having a step father adopt

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I need some advice as to how i can sign off my rights and have a step father adopt my son. I have not seen him in two years because his mother doesnt want me in his life. My own son does not know me and he calls another man his father. So the way I see it is that his step father should adopt him since my son is happy with his family and I know that he will be taken care of. They have told me that they would adopt him but now i do not know what to do. I could really use some advice.
His Mother has no choice but to let you see your son if that is what you want to do. The court will order the visitation and will enforce it. So, if you didn't know that, there you go. If you did know that then you really want nothing to do with your child.

If he wants to adopt your son, they have to initiate it. Until they do or they want you to give up your rights, you can't give up your rights.

Is he going to adopt or not? Are you paying child support? How old is the child? Why have you not taken steps to enforce visitation if you want to see your child?
I need some advice as to how i can sign off my rights and have a step father adopt my son. I have not seen him in two years because his mother doesnt want me in his life. My own son does not know me and he calls another man his father. So the way I see it is that his step father should adopt him since my son is happy with his family and I know that he will be taken care of. They have told me that they would adopt him but now i do not know what to do. I could really use some advice.

I agree with jharris. Mom and stepdad will have be to married too. Adoption is NOT a do-it-yourself project, they will need a lawyer.

On a side note, why would you want to give up the rights to your child? Is there a court order in place, has paternity legal been established and are there support/visitation orders? If so, you can file contempt every time Mom denies you visitation.

Why have you done nothing about this in two years? Mom does NOT get to decide if she wants you in your kid's life. You are HIS FATHER, not the stepdad.

If you want to be a parent to your child, DO NOT give up your rights. This kid deserves to know you, you are his dad. If you do not have a court order in place giving you the right to see him, tell mom to pound sand, march to the courthouse and file for custody/support/visitation.

But no, you cannot just give up your rights until mom and stepdad ask you to and by way of an attorney.
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