Head on Collision - Good first offer?

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This occured in Illinois. Over the summer I was a passenger in a vehicle that was struck head on by another vehicle at 45mph. The car that hit us, 100% at fault, crossed over a median ... all of us were taken to the hospital by an ambulance. All of my damages were soft tissue and my shoulder still hurts. I have went to 2 months of physical therapy and may need to go back.
My total medical bills are $8400 and my lost wages were nearly $1600. My attorney sent all this info to the at fault party's insurance company and they offered me $22,000 (my bills and lost wages are included) and with fees I will likely get around $10,000 including pain and suffering. I thought this number seemed a bit low for all I went through, is this a decent first offer? How much is a insurance company likely to negotiate ... I have 1.5 years left due to the S.O.L. Is it worth taking it to court? I figured if nothing else we could file suit in order to try to scare the insurance company?
Any input is greatly appreciated
I am currently involved in two suits. I was rear ended twice at stop lights. I am under the impression it is best to wait until your doctors and physical therapist release you. I would ask my attorney about it. Sometimes motor vehicle accident injuries take months to appear. Maybe wait until it is closer to the two year mark? I hope you feel better soon, it is very frustrating to have these injuries. Good luck, Barb
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