Hello, I need advice on a citation i recieved

Your additional photos make it even MORE clear that there is a definite distinction between the street and the sidewalk. You were CLEARLY on the sidewalk.
The sidewalk is as flat as the street trust me it is... i had no clue at all... both street and sidewalk blends in together... i talked to other ppl that lives over there and they said they been giving a ticket in the past for the same violations... the sidewalks are flat like the street there is no way you can really feel or tell... i took pictures of the sidewalk when no cars were over there.

p.s. i tried to post this yesterday but it wouldnt allow me due to my 5 posts

Even if they are on the same level the delineation of the sidewalk and street could not be any clearer visually unless they put up a wall.
If you really want to pursue the appeal you might shift your argument towards the obvious intent of the ordinance to prevent vehicles from obstructing pedestrian traffic on the sidewalk.
Your picture makes clear there was no practical obstruction as a result of the way any of the vehicles parked.
You might also research local ordinances and find out if there are any requirements for curbs and their height. If you can find something that shows the city was not in compliance you might find a way to wiggle out.
More likely all your effort is for nothing and your argument falls on deaf ears... but you can try.
If you really want to pursue the appeal you might shift your argument towards the obvious intent of the ordinance to prevent vehicles from obstructing pedestrian traffic on the sidewalk.
Your picture makes clear there was no practical obstruction as a result of the way any of the vehicles parked.
You can't say that in any definitive way. What if someone is walking down the sidewalk carrying a large box? What if a blind person is walking down the sidewalk?

You might also research local ordinances and find out if there are any requirements for curbs and their height. If you can find something that shows the city was not in compliance you might find a way to wiggle out.
No. Parking on the curb is not the violation. Parking on the sidewalk is the violation, and it's clear that the OP parked on the sidewalk.
More likely all your effort is for nothing and your argument falls on deaf ears... but you can try.
This I agree with.

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