Help Can I Be Fired For Using Document To Help My Case

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choked and feeling it

My supervisor is trying to fire me because I took copies of agency's documents outside the building. The documents were of other office services employees that had made the same mistakes as I did, but the other employees were not being held accountable. I used the documents as evidence to show the differential treatment at the meditation hearing against my former supervisor. Unknowingly to me when I got back to the office some one told my former supervisor I had the documents in the car and my former supervisor called me into her office, with security in attendance and told me to go out to my car. She, I and security walked out to my car. I had no idea what we were going out to the car for until she told me to open the car door and give her the documents, which I did. Now the supervisor is taking investigatory action for taking confidential information outside the office. I had filed two EEOC complaints of harassment against this supervisor in which the one was resolved due to meditation. The second meditation hearing is the one I speak of above. I withdrew the complaint because I was no longer going to be supervised by this supervisor, and in fact this supervised had been demoted three days after this meditation hearing, and was not my supervisor when she asked for the documents (I don't know why I gave them to her).

She feels that I'm the cause for her demotion and has been writing me up for any little thing, taking notes of the conversation when I'm on a personal call, starting another investigatory hearing alleging I continuously am not following supervisory directives. What can I do- anyone out there can give me some advice, I know I got myself in a pickle with the documents, , I told her I had used the documents as evidence against her at the meditation hearing.

She has told me that I'm going to need union representation after she's though with her investigation. I can't go to the union because the stewards aren't attending grievances or disciplinary hearings Please any one give me feedback- how could I make such a mess of my life. I'm two years from retirement. can I file another claim of harrassment? I can't afford an attorney. I know this is continuing harassment, but I can't seem to prove it. Talk about being in a pickle.
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Sorry, but you had absolutely no business taking documents that did not belong to you outside the building. You had no business having documents that related to other employees in the first place. Yes, you can be fired for this unless your union contract specifically says otherwise.

Nothing you have posted is evidence of illegal harassment.
nobody to blame, but myself

:( :( Whoa, thanks for the direct response, I think I'll go jump off the bridge now, I hoping against hope. I believe we write on these message boards because we already know the answer, we jukst want to hear someone else say. Hind sight is 20/20; I know kyou'll right, or I wouldn't have taken the precaution by writting out some of the identifying information, I just threw 28 years of service down the drain, only because I thought I needed to prove that I wasn't ranting and raving about being picked on unfairly. I choked myself. God forgive me.:angel :angel
Sorry but I agree with CBG. Regardless of what you were using them for, it is grounds for termination to take them outside the building, if that is what company policy says.
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