Help!! Harressed by co-worker

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:confused: I really don't know where to begin. I work for a small company as a part-time employee at the time all this began. I am now full-time. I guess that lets me know how my employer feels about my work. There is a co-worker who has given me a hard time every since I have been with the company. She started off down grading me because I was only a part time employee. I was hired as an Accounts Payable cherk and her title is Receptionist. One of my job responsibilities is to releive her on the phones for lunch. Her and my boss are close friends and I was always felt not apart of the department from the beginning. That was fine (I adjusted). She has constantly made racial statements to me (which I have constantly agnored) I think that was my first mistake I should have reported her. One day by boss relized I needed help in my department. She had this co-worker assist me with paying some of the bills which were not problems. I guess this must have went to her head. Since I was the only one able to cut checks I had to ask her questions concerning some of the things she processed and she just got up-set and act as though I had no business asking her anything. I took me by suprise because I could not beleive an adult was acting like a child. I was called in my bosses office concerning the matter. This is the beginning of being called into my boss office. Once in the meeting the co-worker goes on to say I have control issues just because I asked her a question. (go figure). Ok, thats when I figure out this person has issues. I recall one day I came in to work and she handed me the phone and left the office without telling anyone. May I say when I have the phone, it interfers me doing my work duties. The preisdent of the company ask me what happen and where is went. I guess what ever she had to do she did and came back to work with her son. They( my boss and president of the company) had and meeting with her. May I say her son sat in my office over a hour which required me to intertain him instead of me working. One day I had an appoved day off and my boss didn't inform her (which it should not matter, because this person has nothing to do with my job duties) she got up-set and the next day took an extra 30min lunch. She made a point not to tell me knowing I can't go to lunch until she comes back. It does not matter to her who she disrespect. Other co-workers have complained about this person. She has problems with everyone (the operations manager, shop supervisors, and other co-workers) I can go on and on about the crazy thinks this co-worker does and get away with. But one day she was making some of racial remarks when another co-worker over heard her which reported to my boss. My boss came into my office and told me someone had reported her, and if I was bothered by it. I went on the say to my boss she always say things like that and I simply look past her. (trying to be the bigger person). I guess they met with her and she became anger. She went around the office asking everone she could about who could have reported her. She came into my office and basicly accused me of reporting her considering I am the only black person in the company. But to top everthing off, one day me her and my boss was talking, and the co-worker made a statement that her husband wanted her to dress up sometimes. I made a statement saying to her, if your husband is complaining you may want to consider his concern. I also said you are a nice looking lady make the changes for your husband. Well the next day, my boss come into my office and tells me this co-worker filed sexualy harresment charges against me. My boss go on to say, she does not think this person is going to work out in the company. I feed I should not even heard that concern from my boss. My boss also stated this co-worker had gotten her prior boss fired. It seem like they are afraid of her. I am confused. What should I do because I do really feel am being harrass by this person. She make the work place very uncomportable for me. Its like at least two times a week she is complainting about something. What should I do.
What you describe is not unlawful harassment. Since she's rude and nasty to everyone (Other co-workers have complained about this person. She has problems with everyone (the operations manager, shop supervisors, and other co-workers), she's clearly not singling you out because of your race.

It's too bad that when someone reported the racist remarks she was making and the boss came and asked if it upset you, you minimized the situation instead of being truthful and telling him that your were offended. You can do so now but your comments won't be very credible since it will appear like you're simply trying to throw some mud on her after she made the SH complaint against you. And by the way, unless there's considerably more to the incident than you related, the comment you made in no way constitutes sexual harassment.

All you can do right now is sit tight and hope your employer makes the proper decision and sees her as the problem, not you. What you should do from here on out is to steer clear of her as much as possible. Do not engage in any casual conversations with her or even be in proximity of her if you can at all help it. And if she makes any racist or other inappropriate comments, report them to the boss right away.
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