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hello, im 25 living in stuart , florida. I have never had any problems with the law in any way and have always had a clean record. That was up until 4 months ago, when i was pulled over and arrested for a DUI, to make a long story short , the final was i settled for a plea of no contest , and they gave me the minimum , which includes 1 year felony probation, and the completion of the dui school and also some carp program and 50 hr community service all to be completed in the year. Now the problem is , i just recently caught by police for a crack in my brake light, and pulled over right around the block from my house, now of course i am not suposed to be driving and i knew this,, but being that i was just pickin up my fathers truck from a friends house down the block i didnt think i would have any problem. well i was wrong,, now the nice thing is the officer was very nice to me since i was upfront with him and came clean, he only wrote me a ticket for driving on suspended, and told me that i could tell my probation officer to give him a call and he would be happy to explain my good behavior and put in a good word. Im worried sick now being that i dont know whats going to happen now, im scared, idont want to do jail time, the cop said he could of arrested me ,soo im happy i guess for that, but my question is now, this just happen last night , so iknow that i need to tell my prob. officer soon, but can anyone give me any advice please?? do i need a lawyer? and what am i looking at now as a consequence? remember this is my first, thanks , jesse
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