Help with the 'Bank'

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:mad:I owe court ordered child support reas (back money) in the amount of Approx. 16,000. They're garnishing my pay check every week plus, they put a lien or whatever you call it, on my bank account. Isn't that double jeopardy or something? How can I be productive without a bank account. I can't save for retirement or nothing. What can I do to fix this problem?
No, it isn't double jeopardy. In fact, there are several other legal ways they can abuse you to get that money.

Opening a new bank account at this time could be pointless.

You are entitled to dome relief and protection, however. You have the right to have living expenses protected, such as mortgage/rent, medical, transportation to work, hygiene, food, and the like.

I suggest you consult an attorney (or two) to see what you can do to assert your rights and limit the financial destruction to your life. The initial consolation is normally free. So, all it'll cost you at first is time.

An Internet website is useless fir a huge problem like
yours. You need a lawyer in your corner. Get one!!!!

There's no abuse here - unless we're discussing the years that the CHILD went without the parent's support.

The legal reality is that they can, and will, levy your bank accounts and tax refunds (did they hit you there, yet? They will.) until the arrears are paid off.

If you owe the CP, then the CP can negotiate the arrears if s/he is willing. If not, s/he cannot be forced.

If you owe the State, then you're out of luck unless you can somehow come up with an offer in compromise (which they are not obliged to entertain).

The simplest answer is: Pay up.

Then you won't have to deal with this.
Yes, Proserpina, abuse!!!

Quite frankly, collecting a private debt is one of the many things the government is doing that it shouldn't.

That doesn't make the debt any less valid.

My use of the term "abuse" is couched in my belief that governments do so much more than what they should.
If the money is owed to the State, the State has every right to come back and do whatever it takes to get their cash.

And since this is child support - personally, I think they do have the right to come after people who aren't paying, period.

But there's an easy fix for this regardless:

Pay your support and you won't get in trouble like this :)

Another hint, from a very wise friend of mine:

Don't breed what you can't feed ;)
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