This is going to sound silly, my friend who has two kids was going through a difficult time. Her husband moved a friend with two kids into her home then a few months later she found out the woman was his mistress. I have always wanted to own a home, so i purchased one an hour away from work because that's all i could afford and asked her to move in with me because she was going to a shelter. We set up an agreement for her to rent two rooms for a $1000 since my total mortgage is over $2000. The plan was for her husband/soon to be ex to pay for it. Everything was going fine until the last three months, she has not paid the rent or help with the utilities. Now i am sitting here supporting her and her two kids. Her ex is no longer helping, i just don't know how much longer i can help with the bills. I've asked her to move out by december, but she's telling she doesn't know if she can by then. As much as i value our friendship, but i don't it's my responsibility to take care of her and her kids.
You have asked her to leave, now you'll have to evict her for non-payment of rent.
I wouldn't wait two more months, supporting her and her little brood.
If she wanted to do what's right, she'd simply say I can't pay $1,00, but here's $500.
Okay, this is how an eviction works in your state:
If you live in Riverside County, for example, Google "eviction MY COUNTY CA", but here is what you get for Riverside County:
Your state is very friendly to online visitors.
Most of the sites have great by the number instructions, and even videos of how to do this or do that.
The forms are also found right there, too.
Now, the bad news.
If you served her with the required 60 day notice to vacate, the clock starts then, not when you gave her the get out in December edict.
So, counting the next 60 calendar days from 24 SEP, the 60 days is up on or about 24 NOV.
The bad news is then you can actually file for the eviction, pay the filing and official service fees (the site for your county will tell you how much) and after that you'll et a hearing between 4 to 6 weeks later.
By then we're near Christmas and New Years.
By the time the judge orders her and her brood to get, it might be early or middle January 2015, or even February.
Yeah, it sucks.
So, please don't ever depend on anyone to do what they say, even if they sign it in blood.
Friends, relatives, strangers are all the same.
They'll ride you to death, and whine about how hard their lives are.
Some people offer these deadbeats money to for keys.
It can come out cheaper, and it gets rid of the moochers.
Your call, but if she agrees, get it in writing, and don't give her the money until after all of her junk is out.
Yes, don't agree to store her junk, either.
Wash that deadbeat out of your home, life, and hair.