In the grand scheme of things, gun laws usually apply to the law abiding taxpayer.
The thugs, vermin, lice, fleas, and felons will always do whatever they must to get that sidearm.
We had fewer problems with guns and killings in the 18th and 19th century. Why? Most people were packing, and when you transgressed you were quick to apologize. Transgressors and lawbreakers were dealt with by victims (or their families) in most cases.
And, when you wore that "shooting iron" low and strapped, everyone gave you a wide berth. They knew you were a gunslinger. Most folks knew the rules, and rarely stepped over the line. Because when you did, you got called out.
The more we tweak with natural laws and survival, the worse we make it, and the more we fail. Let's face it, our ancestors got it right. We continue to screw it up.
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