Hesitant to Post - Please Advise

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I have a long-winded question about a lot of old debt that has run the SOL and a judgment that has not. I am hesitant to post it publicly because I'm guessing that there is the possibility that paralegals might routinely scan forums for any "familiar looking" posts. Does anyone have any thoughts on that one way or the other? Your comments would be very much appreciated.

Best regards
I don't understand. I don't think any lawyer or person wants to have private discussions about legal matters without an arrangement in place. Would you? Unless it's worth a ton of money, it's really difficult to stick an anonymous post to a real case if you are reaosonably careful with details. The internet is a really big place.
I don't understand. I don't think any lawyer or person wants to have private discussions about legal matters without an arrangement in place. Would you?

I didn't say or imply anything about "private discussions." If you don't understand a simple four-line post you're never going to understand a complex question. Thanks for trying anyway.
IF the original debt has turned into a judgement then you need to use the SOL on the judgement not the original debt.
If you don't understand a simple four-line post you're never going to understand a complex question.
If that's your response to someone trying to assist, you're unlikely to get the assistance you seek.

FWIW, I am not aware of any paralegals who scan these forums for familiar looking posts. In my experience, paralegals have much better things to do. And as georgew correctly pointed out, if you are concerned about it, change the details sufficiently.
I doubt seriously that any paralegals scan the internet trying to get information about cases they are working out of unwary posters. You couldn't use that information in court anyway!

To start with, contractual matters have as much as a 20 year SOL so I doubt your debt is beyond that. Secondly, like deb_dub said you should be nice to people trying to help you. Third, Theresagal is exactly right about judgment versus the debt. If there is already a judgment and supposed SOL on the debt would be moot since a SOL is how long an issue can be outstanding before you file a SUIT. See? Many people believe that the 7 years something stays on your credit is somehow a SOL, it is not.

So how about it? Are you going to ask your question?
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