Hey I know you guys are good at this.

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There still is no reason why you can't get the information you need from the court. They won't give you legal advice, but they can help you through procedure. If you ask about the process of how to expunge juvenile records there should be no problem. You should be talking with the clerks at the juvenile court in the county where you were convicted.

If these are only juvenile offenses then there should be nothing preventing you from obtaining a firearm. Have you tried and been denied?
Nope havent been denied yet, but i havent tried and theres a problem i think I am goin gto face and it is posssison of a concealed weapon. It was a knife but it is possession of a concealed weapon so it defies the statues I am required to not have commited for the full expungement of my record. They actually don't care that its juvinile or not it was in adult court and only judication withheld so they couldnt keep me held in responsability fior it after age 21st luckely but it ended when i was 19 anyways.
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