Hi, I have 2 insurance policies on my store, New Jersey. Is it legal to put a burglary claim in with

Hi, I have 2 insurance policies on my store, New Jersey. Is it legal to put a burglary claim in with both companies for the same loss?

I suspect you know the ethical and the legal answer to your question, mate.

I don't think any of our regular responders is going to say YES, what you're proposing is both ethical and legal.

If by some odd chance you do receive that YES you're trolling for, doing so will double the pain the burglar(s) recently deployed upon your establishment.

Now, go do the RIGHT thing, citizen.
I am going to disagree with army judge. It is legal and ethical to put in a claim with both as long as you notify them both about the fact that you have filed a claim on the other policy for the same incident. They will coordinate with each other to make sure that you only get what you are entitled to.
Hi, I have 2 insurance policies on my store, New Jersey. Is it legal to put a burglary claim in with both companies for the same loss?

Zigner is correct. Bot policies would almost certainly have a provision addressing duplicate coverage. You can find it in your policies.

However, a problem could arise with the answer to the following question:

How did you end up with two policies on your store?
No. However, if you have identical coverage from two insurers and fail to disclose that fact to the two insurers, it would be.
Strike that. Reverse it. ;)

The OP asked if it was legal. It looks like you read it as asking if it was illegal.

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