High School Recruiting Complaint

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I have a business/personal relationship with a customer of mine.
It is not unusual for us to discuss business as well as personal interests. He has a son that wrestles for a rival school and the customer had mentioned to me months ago about the possibility of his son attending our school in which I let our coach know. Since then I found out his son had withdrew from their school due to some weight cutting concerns, and I sent him a email about coming to our school. Since then his son has in fact enrolled in our school and is wrestling for our team. A opposing coach has obtained my email and sent it to another coach and subsequently they have filed a complaint with the state. If it is said to be recruiting this kid could lose his eligibility for a year. It is my understanding that it is not recruiting if the parent approched me first. Please help me with advise. Below is the email I sent to the customer.

I heard _____ is not wrestling @_____ any longer. Have you thought about______? We have a spot open at ______ and he would be wrestling with a possible ______ state champs ea day.
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Your question is a good one but cannot be properly answered without seeing the rules themselves concerning what constitutes recruiting. Certainly what you say sounds like an inquiry although may cross the line -- we don't know. Does it mean that you cannot convince someone to come to another school if they are already elegible elsewhere? Does compensation play a factor? You need to look at the exact language of the rules to come to a useful conclusion...

Originally posted by eagles
I have a business/personal relationship with a customer of mine.
It is not unusual for us to discuss business as well as personal interests. He has a son that wrestles for a rival school and the customer had mentioned to me months ago about the possibility of his son attending our school in which I let our coach know. Since then I found out his son had withdrew from their school due to some weight cutting concerns, and I sent him a email about coming to our school. Since then his son has in fact enrolled in our school and is wrestling for our team. A opposing coach has obtained my email and sent it to another coach and subsequently they have filed a complaint with the state. If it is said to be recruiting this kid could lose his eligibility for a year. It is my understanding that it is not recruiting if the parent approched me first. Please help me with advise. Below is the email I sent to the customer.

I heard _____ is not wrestling @_____ any longer. Have you thought about______? We have a spot open at ______ and he would be wrestling with a possible ______ state champs ea day.
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