HIPAA, employee, privacy

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I am an oncology nurse who works at a community-based hospital. Our employee insurance plan requires that I do all outpatient/inpatient medical procedures at our facility, or pay an additional fee to go elsewhere, even if I use in network physicians. I understand that I have the "option" to go to another location, but I must potentially pay thousands of dollars for that privacy. For example, if I have a colonoscopy at my facility that reveals a colon cancer, then my colleagues all know about it because they are on the diagnostic staff.

Just curious what your interpretation is here.

So they know about it. If they adhere to the law and professionalism, there isn't anything wrong with that. Your privacy isn't being compromised by allowing a medical staff, who happens to be made up of acquaintances, to provide your care. There is no HIPAA issue with the described scenario.

Some facilities allow a shortened case review, an alias name or increased security on electronic accounts if requested. If the diagnostic staff only know you as patient X, it might be more acceptable for you. Perhaps this would provide the peace of mind you desire before you have to start looking elsewhere.
Thanks for your response, iowaboy. I assumed that was the case, but I figured it didn't hurt to ask. I will, however, pay extra for real privacy as I am able. It is impossible to achieve privacy using EMT security and aliases when colleagues with whom I work on a daily basis are the diagnosticians.
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