hiring issue

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I am a California resident that was interviewed by Sierra Nevada Corp. I was told by the hiring Manager that she put me in for hire. I was ready to move to Colorado to start over in the new position that I was offered. HR sent it to Corporate. On 08/11/09 I was told that I did not have the job because of the Corporate decision. I called the hiring manager to find out what happened. She told me that I was a risk because of too many layoffs on my resume. Layoffs was not my fault. I was laid off in December of 08. The hiring manager wanted me to work for them ASAP. I was shocked to hear that I was not in the running anymore. Hr. emailed me that they had another candidate in mind. This was not true-the hiring manager told me I was the only one she was interviewing. I feel I was taking the the risk by moving to Colorado. We were willing to move to beautiful Colorado to start anew. I am a good worker who is ready to work. My profession is a MRP planner. I feel that telling me that I am a risk because of too many layoffs should not be tolerated in this day and age. I hope you have heard of this company. They are privately owned. I feel that I was abused. I do not know the laws of Colorado, but this was devastating. This is old school thinking about layoffs. Please let me know on what you think about all this that has happened to me. Senator, thank you for your time.
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