Hit and Run/Didn't notice damage on other car

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In early December I was backing out of a parking space in a parking lot and I accidently backed into someone. I got out to check for damage and did not see any damage on the other car so I left. Two weeks later I get a post card from the police saying to call them. I made the call, got the officer's voicemail and left a message. He returned my call two days later. He asked if I knew I had been in an accident. I was truthful. The guy was very polite as was I. He said a woman in the building where the parking lot is heard something an saw my car drive away. He said he was looking at the report and it didn't mention there was damage to the woman's car. The officer said he had to call this woman and would get back to me sometime after the holidays.

The officer called last week and it took him two days again to return my call. The officer said the woman said there was damage to her car and he needed to talk to me face to face. We agreed to meet yesterday 1/19. I said I was free in the morning before work at 1:30pm. He said I will call you at 10am to tell you where to meet me so I didn't have to go all the way down near the airport to go to his office. I think he said he had to come up into the city so that's why he wanted me to meet him. Don't remember exactly. The officer didn't call and still haven't heard from him. Is there a statute of limitations on investigating this incident, issuing a ticket or making a claim to my insurance company? Do you get a ticket for an accident on private property?

Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.

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At this point don't worry about a hi and run charge. Technically, damage or not, you should have at the very least left a note with the other vehicle with your contact information.
If the other vehicle has damage then involved parties can still exchange info and handle the matter civilly.
You are not obligated to speak to the police officer. If he calls back, and assuming you are willing to take care of any damage to the other vehicle, ask him for the other owner's contact information so that you can make a report to your insurance (or handle it on your own). You don't have to go to his office or meet him anywhere.
I didn't leave one because I didn't see any damage, but now I know should leave a note regardless. Do you think I will be issued a ticket? I need to talk to this guy to find out when the report was filed. If she did it the same day that's one thing, but if she didn't I don't think she could say it's me...someone else could have hit her. Also, the first time the officer called me he said the report reflecked that whether or not there was damage was not noted, but now she says there is damage. Should I just tell her to file a claim and let my insurance company handle it? I already game them a head's up, and I have full coverage plus accident forgiveness so if there is damage I can take care of it.
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