HoA denied outdoor string lights request

Hareesh Alam

New Member
Hi , I own a property which is in the corner of the community and I am installing string lights at a height of 8 feet which is visible from outside of the community. The HoA says to remove these as these are visible from outside, ispite of meeting the electrical code. Is there a law from Alamdea county saying we cannot have string lights in the outdoor area

In the Hoa CCR's it restricts an invidual to do any modifications on the exteriors of the house without getting an HoA approval.
But in my case the HoA denied the request to install the lights as these are visible from outside.No indivual has complanied as its not affecting anyone as its a corner house, its just the HoA.
But in my case the HoA denied the request to install the lights as these are visible from outside.No indivual has complanied as its not affecting anyone as its a corner house, its just the HoA.

Asked and answered, good on you, mate!

You chose to live under the nazi-like, dictatorship of an HOA.

In fact, you desired to be controlled, you even pay the dictator to live under his/her/their brutal regime!

Now you see why many people would never own a home under a dictator, no matter what he/she calls themselves.
Hi , I own a property which is in the corner of the community and I am installing string lights at a height of 8 feet which is visible from outside of the community. The HoA says to remove these as these are visible from outside, ispite of meeting the electrical code. Is there a law from Alamdea county saying we cannot have string lights in the outdoor area

Nope. Not a law. Just some dumb HOA thing.

In the Hoa CCR's it restricts an invidual to do any modifications on the exteriors of the house without getting an HoA approval.
But in my case the HoA denied the request to install the lights as these are visible from outside.No indivual has complanied as its not affecting anyone as its a corner house, its just the HoA.

Clearly at least one individual on the HOA board doesn't like them and thinks they're tacky.
I am installing string lights at a height of 8 feet which is visible from outside of the community. The HoA says to remove these

Then you remove them.

in spite of meeting the electrical code.

When the codes are more strict than the HOA rules, you obey the codes.

When the HOA rules are more strict that the codes, you obey the HOA rules.

Is there a law from Alamdea county saying we cannot have string lights in the outdoor area

Of course not.

In the Hoa CCR's it restricts an invidual to do any modifications on the exteriors of the house without getting an HoA approval.
But in my case the HoA denied the request to install the lights as these are visible from outside.

That you need approval doesn't mean you get approval.

No indivual has complanied as its not affecting anyone as its a corner house, its just the HoA.

That's right. It's just the HOA, which is what you signed up for when you bought the house.

Welcome to HOA living and its totalitarianism.

Ben Franklin didn't realize he was predicting HOAs when he said "He who gives up freedom for security deserves neither."
Festoon lights are actually illegal (if that's what you mean by string lights) under the Calfifornia Electrical Code in other than temporary situations. They also can NEVER be supported by trees or other vegetation.

Of course, code issues and the statutes aren't the issue here. If your CCRs give the HOA authority to approve or deny your outdoor decorations, it's entirely at their discretion. The only exceptions would be for things where there is a law preempting them (satellite dishes, ham antennas and the like) or that you can show that there is some illegal discrimination going on here. That your lot is visible from outside the community is not illegal discrimination.
Is there a law from Alamdea county saying we cannot have string lights in the outdoor area


In the Hoa CCR's it restricts an invidual to do any modifications on the exteriors of the house without getting an HoA approval.
But in my case the HoA denied the request to install the lights as these are visible from outside.No indivual has complanied as its not affecting anyone as its a corner house, its just the HoA.

So? When you bought your home, you chose to be governed by the HOA's rules, regardless of how stupid or arbitrary those rules might be. Don't like it? Then move or get yourself elected to the HOA board and/or get a bunch of like-minded neighbors together to change the rules.

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