HOA lock out of renters access to condo


In Nevada, Clark County Las Vegas specifically, does the HOA board have the right to lock a renter out of a high rise building, i.e. disable key fob access to doors and elevators which provide the only means to access the leased condo? This effectively locks us out of our unit which a landlord is not allowed to do, but what about the on-site HOA? Rent and utilities are paid in full but HOA is threatening to assess a fine which we are disputing for a dog leash policy violation. By the way, we live on the 40th floor so it's not like we can just walk up to the unit.

I do not have a copy of the CC&R, did not agree to any to my knowledge and the lease with the landlord makes no mention of any of the CC&R nor does it reference the HOA or CC&R in general.

I understand the HOA may be able to block access to common areas but not ingress/egress to the actual condo we are renting. Problem is if they disable the key fob they have in effect blocked access to our unit.

Thanks for any advice you can provide.
When you rent a condo in an HOA you are subject to the CC&Rs and condo rules just as much as your landlord is.

Doesn't matter if you've seen them or not, doesn't matter if you agreed to them or not, doesn't matter if your lease refers to them or not.

If you live there and break the rules you are subject to penalties just like if you parked your car in the wrong place and it got towed.

As to whether the HOA has the legal right to lock you out of the building, you'll have to get the CC&Rs to see if that's permitted.

If your landlord did that, it would likely be illegal but the relationship between HOA and occupant is not a landlord-tenant relationship so different rules may apply.

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