Homeless Neighbors! Please Help!


New Member
OK, so my neighbors are homeless. Their house was busted for drugs and murder about 10 years ago and it is condemned now. So the 90 year old lady moved into the garage. In the middle of the snow belt! They condemned that too. So she was living in the driveway in her van. I reported her. I don't know what happened, but now she is MOVED IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE!

She is in her van 24/7. NEVER leaves. She eats, pees, poops in the van. With her big dog. Blasts music, screams "MUTHAFU*K! MUTHAFU*K! MUTHAFU*K! MUTHAFU*K!" for hours a day. Lets her dog bark incessantly. Sprays bleach and vinegar all over the outside of her van so bad, the smell is in here. And the engine of her van? Well, you know Ft Wayne cars. The things sounds like a tank is idling outside. RARARARARARARARARAARARARARARARARAR!!!!!!!! All night long. She was also arrested for starting a fire once.

We have little kids and are afraid. Every time we leave our home or come back she is out there "I'LL KILL YOU FU*KING WHITE GIRL CRACKA! COME HERE I'LL SHOOT YOU IN YOUR FACE! MUTHAFU*K!"

I feel bad for her too. I mean, it is the middle of winter. It is freezing out. But there are no shelters in Ft Wayne. And it is legal what she is doing, as the street is public property. Apart from paying for a massive Trumpesque wall to be built in front of my house, do we have ANY options to protect our family and sleep at night?
Call the cops, call using "911" especially when threats to kill you, shoot you in the face are uttered.

You can also work with your elected city council person, or mayor to report unsanitary issues, and anytime an animal's life is in jeopardy.

Contact mental health authorities and senior care services/protection authorities is also an option due to the woman's advanced years.

Good luck, and document each incident with a video recording, including sound to buttress your allegations.

Take those videos to your city council or Mayer to support your cries for help for the woman, and for family's protection.

Unfortunately for the protection of your children, don't allow them to play or tarry outside UNTIL the mentally unbalanced woman has been removed.
Call the cops, call using "911" especially when threats to kill you, shoot you in the face are uttered.

You can also work with your elected city council person, or mayor to report unsanitary issues, and anytime an animal's life is in jeopardy.

Contact mental health authorities and senior care services/protection authorities is also an option due to the woman's advanced years.

Good luck, and document each incident with a video recording, including sound to buttress your allegations.

Take those videos to your city council or Mayer to support your cries for help for the woman, and for family's protection.

Unfortunately for the protection of your children, don't allow them to play or tarry outside UNTIL the mentally unbalanced woman has been removed.

Already did. That is how I found out what she/they are doing is legal. I have been in constant contact with the city police, county sheriff, state police, city government, county government, state government, adult protective services, and a multitude of charity and welfare organizations.

It is legal to live on public land. And, since she has been on the street and "has history" in this neighborhood, that gives her extra legal binding to this blocks public land.

But still...there must be SOMETHING that can be done? Maybe through the courts? She is a danger to herself, and my family. And certainly a nuisance. I do not remember life in America being like this 20 years ago? Shoot, 10 years ago. This is not the first time we have had an off-the-wall problem with neighbors. I cannot believe this is all OK... Thanks.
You're right, 20 years ago, 50 years ago; very few of these ODDBALL events transpired in the USA.

I spent 30 odd years of my adult life wearing this nation's army uniform. I've fought in Eric wars, and served her as she prosecuted her many military misadventures.

Oh my goodness, has she been changed. I could bore you for hours about that, but I hope before I die, she changes for the better. I want my grand kids to do better than this old country boy ever dreamed possible.

As far as your "new neighbor", that's why I live mainly on my cattle ranch, deep in the Texas hill country. Things are handled differently here, the way my ancestors handled things, so to speak.

You city, suburban, and many village dwellers can change things, if you vote for people who support your views. Until that happens, you'll continue to see the results of our border invaders and their ilk. The urban critters will continue to devolve, and assist the border invaders with their takeover and decay of our once human (and humane) cities, towns, and villages.

We both know what you'd happen, yet we see what is happening. States legalizing federal laws prohibiting marijuana use and possession. Large and small cities creating illegal "sanctuaries" for the criminals invading our once sovereign nation, ranches being defiled by all manner of human debris, cattle being slaughtered, possessions being stolen, and animals being sodomized by thugs pretending to be human.

I feel for you, madam, but I'm so happy to be out here where we handle those issues ourselves, in our unique, yet legal way.

When You Can Kill in Texas | TIME.com
You're right, 20 years ago, 50 years ago; very few of these ODDBALL events transpired in the USA.

I spent 30 odd years of my adult life wearing this nation's army uniform. I've fought in Eric wars, and served her as she prosecuted her many military misadventures.

Oh my goodness, has she been changed. I could bore you for hours about that, but I hope before I die, she changes for the better. I want my grand kids to do better than this old country boy ever dreamed possible.

As far as your "new neighbor", that's why I live mainly on my cattle ranch, deep in the Texas hill country. Things are handled differently here, the way my ancestors handled things, so to speak.

You city, suburban, and many village dwellers can change things, if you vote for people who support your views. Until that happens, you'll continue to see the results of our border invaders and their ilk. The urban critters will continue to devolve, and assist the border invaders with their takeover and decay of our once human (and humane) cities, towns, and villages.

We both know what you'd happen, yet we see what is happening. States legalizing federal laws prohibiting marijuana use and possession. Large and small cities creating illegal "sanctuaries" for the criminals invading our once sovereign nation, ranches being defiled by all manner of human debris, cattle being slaughtered, possessions being stolen, and animals being sodomized by thugs pretending to be human.

I feel for you, madam, but I'm so happy to be out here where we handle those issues ourselves, in our unique, yet legal way.

When You Can Kill in Texas | TIME.com
Well, you give me hope. At least I am not alone. My husband served in the Army for 6 years. Thank you for your service. Off topic, but we have thought about Texas a lot. Still have homestead laws (tax breaks for your residence), still have cheap land (albeit in the middle of nowhere and deserty), and free homeschooling. But don't you have a border problem? Or do they all sneak up to other States now?
Well, you give me hope. At least I am not alone. My husband served in the Army for 6 years. Thank you for your service. Off topic, but we have thought about Texas a lot. Still have homestead laws (tax breaks for your residence), still have cheap land (albeit in the middle of nowhere and deserty), and free homeschooling. But don't you have a border problem? Or do they all sneak up to other States now?

Ma'am, Texas and our nation have an immense border burglar problem.
Once we erect that big, beautiful wall, we'll suffer until the border burglars have been removed.
Border burglary is a massive problem.
Immigrants should be required to contribute to society, not slop at the public trough.
Border burglars are criminals.
Yes, ranchers and others along the southern border suffer immensely at the hand of border burglars.
Moreover our entire nation suffers, too.
I avoid all criminals.
I particularly abhor border burglars and spineless politicians who encourage those foreign born lawbreakers.

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