Honda Dealership Not Acting in Good Faith

Mark in Seattle

New Member
Purchased a new 2019 CRV Honda from Buren Honda on 11/29/2019. For a week after purchasing the vehcile, I tried to clean the grit off of the windows using various window cleaers. This was hard due to the rainy season in Seattle and my long houred airport job. A week later, after returing from an FMLA trip to NV to take care of my elderly mother, I returned to Seattle and I called the dealership and took the CRV in for service. Multiple attempts were made by the dealership and after the third try they damaged several windows with deep scratches using some sort of dull blade. Much of the grit, or rail dust as described by their service manager, still remains on the glass and body, making it difficult to see when looking into oncoming lights or sunlight. Claims were filed with Honda Fiance and Honda of America. Honda of America tried to act as a liasion and the dealership refuses to respond to their requests. I have a siged card from the previous GM of Honda Burien admitted responsibliity for the damage, but the new GM stated that he will not honor previous agreements. The dealership refuses to take my call and have even stiffed me on previously arranged meetings. I have estimates from glass shops and other Honda dealerships to fix the problem. I even wrote to the mayor of Burien, WA, BBB, and Department of Licensing, filing complaints. I am left with no other course of action except legal at this point. My vehcie is a lease. There are 30 payments left on a three year lease agreement. My fear is that when I turn the vehcle back in that I am going to be charged with the etching from the rail dust, grit or cement dusty to the vehcle and the scratches made to glass panels make by Burien Honda Service Department. Honda Finance states that it isn't their responsibility. Honda of America tried to help but now states that it isn't a manufacture issue and that there is nothing left for them to do as the dealership is an independent business. I argued the point that they are an extension of Honda Corporate as they are the only ones allowed to display the Honda logo and sell new cars.

I am prepared to wrtie a demand letter to the dealership, but wanted to get another estimate from one more dealership. As said, the weather in Seattle has been rainy for most the past seven months. I want to have the car looked at in sunny conditions so that service techs can see the total extent of the damage.
This sounds like something that a warranty should cover.
The OP had the vehicle for a week, then came in complaining about "stuff" on the window. Manufacturer warranties don't cover goop on the windows.
I am prepared to wrtie a demand letter to the dealership

Remember, flies flee when they sniff vinegar; but eagerly visit when they sniff honey!

It might NOT hurt to send a video (along with a BEGGING letter) to Honda in the USA and Japan, begging for them to help their customer in distress and deal with the recalcitrant, obstinate, mendacious dealer after you've been satisfied.
Purchased a new 2019 CRV Honda from Buren Honda on 11/29/2019. For a week after purchasing the vehcile, I tried to clean the grit off of the windows using various window cleaers.

When you first looked at the car, before you signed the contract, did you fail to thoroughly inspect the car? If you did inspect the car did you not see all of this stuff? And if you did see all of this stuff did you not address having the dealer take care of it before you signed the contract? Or, at least, insist that the repair be written into the contract?

Seems to me that you could have easily avoided what you are going through now.

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