Honest Civil Rights Lawyer

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Are there any Civil rights lawyers that are out for the clients rights as oppposed to making money? I approched 2 lawyers with a civil rights case,(son thrown in jail "by mistake") and both said it was wrong but not "worth" fighting. My sons rights were violated and was very upsetting to the family for the 2 nights he was there.

We are not looking for money in this case but a way to get the word out to the police that they just can not do this and go "oops". (without a sorry)
I understand what you are trying to achieve. But it all depends on the evidence in the case. You would have to show negligence in their actions and poor judgment without respect for correct procedures………….You would also have to show intent or lack of reasonable good judgment. If you can't prove all this to an extent and don't have enough evidence to show there was no room for the error, you would have a hard time winning. Read about civil rights crime statutes so as to see if yours falls into the criteria. Keep trying other lawyers……….some lawyers would file a case just for the lawyers fees. The lawyers you consulted might be honest and not wanting you to waste time and money based on the evidence.
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