Hostile Work Environment/ Intention Infliction of Emotional Distress

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I work for a small police dept represented by an association. Our former assoc. president was just promoted to Sgt and no longer is represented. We were put on a pay freeze last year while he was president. We just found out some bad news regarding our wages during an assoc. meeting. Another officer complained to the vice president. The vice president went to our new Sgt with the complaint. The sgt yelled and complained about the employee in front of me and another officer. He then screamed at the officer who had complained. The outbursts were terrifying. We feel like we cannot turn to our association with the problem as the vice president (acting president) has such a close relationship with our sgt. The sgt has also verbally attacked another officer recently. Who do we go to with this? Our association lawyer? Outside representation?

I know it is not considered a hostile work environment as none of us are a protected class but read that it could be infliction of emotional distress.

Our other superiors seem to be scared of this individual as well and I do not feel like approaching them is the right step. I would normally go to our association leaders but most of his outbursts stemmed from the v.p. reporting back to him on our concerns.
Why not discuss your concerns with your chief, or chain of command?

Before you do anything, you might want to reacquaint yourselves with your department's policies and procedures regarding workplace intimidation, comportment, and/or personal behavior!!!

Of course, any citizen/voter is always free to speak with any of their elected officials (town elders, selectmen, city councilmen/women, mayor, governor, state senators, state representatives)!!!
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