House contract in NY question

Mike sampson

New Member
New York
I am in contract for a house to be built. The builder is dragging his feet for whatever reason. I suspect he wants me to back out. The contract doesn't state any expiration date. Can he drag this out for let's say 5-7 years if he chooses. I won't break the contract no matter what.
Can he do it? We obviously have no way of knowing this person's abilities, but his ability to "drag this out" will be impacted significantly by your willingness to allow him to do that. If you're willing to tolerate it, he can drag things out until one or the other of you dies.
Is there nothing in your contract about deadlines and penalties for failing to meet them? If there isn't then all I can suggest is that you take your contract to an attorney and review your options.
Can he drag this out for let's say 5-7 years if he chooses.

Yes, you betcha he can, and he most likely will.

Delaying costs him nothing.

If you've paid any money towards the construction, you're the one that stands to lose money.

Doing nothing costs nothing if you've not deposited or invested any money.

I won't break the contract no matter what.

That might eventually be decided by a court.
i wouldn't tolerate it. But my choice is wait it out or break the deal. He did have the plans made I have the official stamped copies.
Yes, you betcha he can, and he most likely will.

Delaying costs him nothing.

If you've paid any money towards the construction, you're the one that stands to lose money.

Doing nothing costs nothing if you've not deposited or invested any money.

That might eventually be decided by a court.

It costs him money 10k a year in property taxes! My deposit is in escrow, per the contract I can break it.
My deposit is in escrow, per the contract I can break it.

You can choose what you feel is right for you.

What an idiot such as myself says should mean little more to you than the buzzing flies eagerly eating lunch on the decaying, putrefying carcass of dead skunk.

You paid your money, buddy, you call your own shots.
i wouldn't tolerate it. But my choice is wait it out or break the deal. you have acknowledged that your "choice is [to] wait it out or break the deal." In your original post, you wrote that you "won't break the contract no matter what," and in this post you wrote that you won't "tolerate it" (which I assume means you won't simply wait it out.

See where I'm going with this?

Without reading your contract, it's really impossible for anyone here to tell you too much. I suggest you take the contract to a local attorney for review and advice.

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