How An Attorney With Very Little Brain Landed In Jail

LMFAO, this isn't as uncommon as most lay people might think.

Verbal arguments occur with some regularity these days.

Some insiders say its due to Covid.

I just say its attributable brutish, loud mouthed, illmannered, uncouth lots on the bench and in the well.

I can say it never occurred in my courtroom, filled with collegiality, cordiality, and professionals.

Dan Abrams, former host of LivePD, has a couple court based programs.

This is his first Court Cam.

These programs are as gritty and revealing as it gets.

Court Cam Full Episodes, Video & More | A&E

'Live PD' Host Dan Abrams Sets New Court Show 'Court Cam' at A&E - Watch Its Wild Teaser (Video)
Yes, I watched those and miss with a passion Live PD, I have no idea why they took that off the air. The wife and I watched that every weekend rigorously right up till it got the cancel culture treatment.

The best one was one of the earlier episodes where the women being under arrest said she wasn't being under arrested then.


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