How can I Discontinue SSI Benefits Without Representative Payee's Permission ??

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How Can I Discontinue SSI Benefits Without My Representative Payee's Permission ??

I Have been recieving ssi benefits for several years now for a disability and a family member is my payee. However I have just finished school and I want to discontinue the ssi right away before I even start working.I no longer wish to be on ssi. I was told I have to have my payee's permission in order to terminate ssi benefits and that the payee needs to be present with me for the paperwork to be done. I want to know how I can discontinue benefits on my own by myself without my payee's permission since my payee still wishes me to recieve benefits even though I disagree. I was to just start working then the benefits will just stop on it's own time Or to just go through the ticket to work program. However, I would like to just stop benefits all together right now since I no longer feel eligible. How can I do this by myself without my representative payee's permission ?? I am over 18 and capable of taking care of myself and of working.
How Can I Discontinue SSI Benefits Without My Representative Payee's Permission ??

I Have been recieving ssi benefits for several years now for a disability and a family member is my payee. However I have just finished school and I want to discontinue the ssi right away before I even start working.I no longer wish to be on ssi. I was told I have to have my payee's permission in order to terminate ssi benefits and that the payee needs to be present with me for the paperwork to be done. I want to know how I can discontinue benefits on my own by myself without my payee's permission since my payee still wishes me to recieve benefits even though I disagree. I was to just start working then the benefits will just stop on it's own time Or to just go through the ticket to work program. However, I would like to just stop benefits all together right now since I no longer feel eligible. How can I do this by myself without my representative payee's permission ?? I am over 18 and capable of taking care of myself and of working.

Does the representative payee have guardianship over you?
No , the representative payee does not have guardianship over me ---- So what can I do on my own ?

How did you come to have a representative payee?

If he or she isn't a guardian, were you incapacitated?

Who receives the payments?

I suggest you go into your nearest Social Security Office and discuss this with a customer service person face to face.

If you are an adult, of sound mind, you should be able to request the benefits be stopped, because you wish to work and no longer need the assistance.
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