How can I get justice in Michigan?


New Member
The following materials describe a situation that is hard to believe.

On August 18, 2017 I was the victim of a violent assault and robbery at the Meijer store in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The crime involved one primary attacker, an accomplice and a Meijer store employee. The Meijer store employee chose to involve himself by detaining me, injuring me and aiding the other two attackers to injure and rob me (there were three attackers in total).

The violent attack went on for over 2 MINUTES AND 38 SECONDS. The entire event lasted about 4 to 5 minutes.

There is video evidence of the Meijer employee grabbing me and pushing me to the ground. I have in my possession the audio and transcript of a phone call with the police who stated that the Meijer employee should have been charged with battery and false imprisonment.

This was a very violent attack and robbery. In the follow video clip you can see me trying to escape. At the end of this clip you can see the Meijer employee preparing to attack ME!!!!! He did this even though it was extremely obvious that I was the one being attacked. For some crazy reason the Meijer employee came to the aid of criminals.

Attack Sequence 1 - Streamable

There is additional video of the Meijer employee grabbing me and pushing me to the ground and immobilizing me while I am being attacked.

The Meijer employee even admitted to grabbing me in the Police report.

I have extensive documentation of medical damages caused by the Meijer employee.

A case was filed against Meijer by an inexperienced and disorganized lawyer who has since withdrawn from the case when I found out that they had not given Meijer the answers to interrogatories that I returned to my lawyer back in April of this year. That lawyer had simply sat on my answers for 6 months - and when confronted - they withdrew.

At this time I am left without legal representation.

I have extensive documentation concerning this case and I need a lawyer. Can someone please help me?
I have extensive documentation concerning this case and I need a lawyer. Can someone please help me?
I agree that you need an attorney. Unfortunately, this forum is not a referral service. You may wish to check with your state's BAR Association for assistance.

For the record: The clip you posted doesn't show the employee doing anything except follow you and the other two persons towards the camera.
The following materials describe a situation that is hard to believe.

On August 18, 2017 I was the victim of a violent assault and robbery at the Meijer store in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The crime involved one primary attacker, an accomplice and a Meijer store employee. The Meijer store employee chose to involve himself by detaining me, injuring me and aiding the other two attackers to injure and rob me (there were three attackers in total).

The violent attack went on for over 2 MINUTES AND 38 SECONDS. The entire event lasted about 4 to 5 minutes.

There is video evidence of the Meijer employee grabbing me and pushing me to the ground. I have in my possession the audio and transcript of a phone call with the police who stated that the Meijer employee should have been charged with battery and false imprisonment.

This was a very violent attack and robbery. In the follow video clip you can see me trying to escape. At the end of this clip you can see the Meijer employee preparing to attack ME!!!!! He did this even though it was extremely obvious that I was the one being attacked. For some crazy reason the Meijer employee came to the aid of criminals.

Attack Sequence 1 - Streamable

There is additional video of the Meijer employee grabbing me and pushing me to the ground and immobilizing me while I am being attacked.

The Meijer employee even admitted to grabbing me in the Police report.

I have extensive documentation of medical damages caused by the Meijer employee.

A case was filed against Meijer by an inexperienced and disorganized lawyer who has since withdrawn from the case when I found out that they had not given Meijer the answers to interrogatories that I returned to my lawyer back in April of this year. That lawyer had simply sat on my answers for 6 months - and when confronted - they withdrew.

At this time I am left without legal representation.

I have extensive documentation concerning this case and I need a lawyer. Can someone please help me?
From the video you showed, it looks like you were apprehended by an employee(s) while attempting to shoplift.

The following link will show you how to get in touch with the state bar and ask for an attorney referral :
State Bar of Michigan
I agree that you need an attorney. Unfortunately, this forum is not a referral service. You may wish to check with your state's BAR Association for assistance.

For the record: The clip you posted doesn't show the employee doing anything except follow you and the other two persons towards the camera.
hummm...To me it looked like a woman running out of the store and being restrained by an employee...what the other two were doing, I don't know.
The following materials describe a situation that is hard to believe.

On August 18, 2017 I was the victim of a violent assault and robbery at the Meijer store in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

I know that store.
I have visited it several times, as I often attend UMICH athletic events, being that I am an undergrad of UMICH, and my sister & her husband graduated from UMICH's medical school.

The crime involved one primary attacker, an accomplice and a Meijer store employee[/B]. The Meijer store employee chose to involve himself by detaining me, injuring me and aiding the other two attackers to injure and rob me (there were three attackers in total).

You allege that you were assaulted, VIOLENTLY by two bystanders and a Meijer security protection specialist.

I've never had that happen to me anywhere.

The ONLY way I can think something like this could occur is because SOMEONE (probably the store security agent) believed or had probable cause to believe that YOU were stealing from their store.

So, were you indeed ACCUSED of stealing and resisting detention?

Did the two bystanders come to the aid of the store security agent?

Michigan law allows a Loss Prevention Officer to detain, for a reasonable period of time, a person suspected of theft or failure to pay.

If the police do not appear, or are unavailable to appear, loss prevention officers have to release you within a reasonable amount of time.

The law: Michigan Legislature - Section 338.1051

The violent attack went on for over 2 MINUTES AND 38 SECONDS. The entire event lasted about 4 to 5 minutes.

You were apparently resisting, right?

What is it that the store alleges you were stealing?

What is the alleged value of the purloined merchandise?

When the police arrived, were you arrested and later charged?

What criminal charges are you facing?

There is video evidence of the Meijer employee grabbing me and pushing me to the ground. I have in my possession the audio and transcript of a phone call with the police who stated that the Meijer employee should have been charged with battery and false imprisonment.

What you possess is simply hearsay, useless hearsay chatter, assuming that you do possess said materials.

This was a very violent attack and robbery. In the follow video clip you can see me trying to escape. At the end of this clip you can see the Meijer employee preparing to attack ME!!!!! He did this even though it was extremely obvious that I was the one being attacked. For some crazy reason the Meijer employee came to the aid of criminals.

If you were stealing from the store, the store's security agent can't legally commit robbery against you while in "hot pursuit" of your fleeing, thieving carcass.

If bystanders came to the aid of the store security agent attempting to detain you (as is allowed under Michigan law), neither can they be charged with battery or robbery.

If things as are I believe, that's why no lawyer is interested in your nothing case.

Furthermore, you do yourself great harm if your criminal matter is still pending.

If the criminal charge(s) lodged against you have been disposed of, you can bet your sweet bippy that a 1st year law student could dispose of your attempted money scam in less than 5 minutes in open court.

There is additional video of the Meijer employee grabbing me and pushing me to the ground and immobilizing me while I am being attacked.

The Meijer employee even admitted to grabbing me in the Police report.

I have extensive documentation of medical damages caused by the Meijer employee.

I'm certain the following words were being repeated, "Stop resisting, stop resisting", as the security agent and the citizens were attempting to restrain your thieving, fleeing, fighting, resisting carcass.

A case was filed against Meijer by an inexperienced and disorganized lawyer who has since withdrawn from the case when I found out that they had not given Meijer the answers to interrogatories that I returned to my lawyer back in April of this year. That lawyer had simply sat on my answers for 6 months - and when confronted - they withdrew.

At this time I am left without legal representation.

I have extensive documentation concerning this case and I need a lawyer. Can someone please help me?

Dude, you make me howl and giggle like a cute, sweet, happy, loved, well fed baby!

Goo Goo Gaa Gaa BURP Giggle Giggle, mama them GOT that thief!!!!

STOP STEALING, get yourself a job (if you can), STOP abusing illegal drugs, and stay the heck out of that Meijer Store, because you've probably been trespassed.
I have extensive documentation concerning this case and I need a lawyer. Can someone please help me?

This is not a lawyer referral site and, AFAIK, none of the regulars here live or practice in Michigan. There is a "find a lawyer" link at the bottom of every page at this site.

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