How do congressional general counsel offices work?


New Member
I know that the U.S. House of Representatives and United States Senate both have an office of general counsel.

But my question is, does each individual member of congress have their own general counsels? If so, are they hired by the member directly, or are they assigned by Congress?

I know that the Speaker and Senate Leaders have such counsels. But is this also true for every member? Or do members of congress only have personal attorneys? Thanks
do each individual member of congress have their own general counsels?

You can start your research at these sites:

Support Offices in the House of Representatives: Roles and Authorities Library/S...ocacy 101/THE-ROLE-OF-CONGRESSIONAL-STAFF.pdf

Alternatively you might simply call or email YOUR representative to the US Congress at the number below or find yours at the below websites to ask her/him ANYTHING directly:

U.S. House of Representatives:
* Telephone: 202-225-3121
* Website: Homepage |
The U.S. Senate has an Office of the Legislative Counsel, which provides legislative drafting services for the Committees, Members, and staff of the United States Senate. I could find no evidence of an "office of general counsel" for the Senate.

The House of Representatives does have an Office of General Counsel, which appears to provide roughly the same services for the members of HR that the Office of Legislative Counsel provides for Senate members. This office is provided for by House Rule 11.8. I imagine there is a similar Senate Rule that provides for the Office of the Legislative Counsel.

Employees of both of the above-mentioned groups are federal government employees and are not hired by any individual Senator or Representative.

does each individual member of congress have their own general counsels? If so, are they hired by the member directly, or are they assigned by Congress?

Any individual Senator or Representative (like any other person) may hire a lawyer if he/she wishes to do so. Such lawyers would be paid from the individual Senator's or Representative's personal assets.

I know that the Speaker and Senate Leaders have such counsels.

i could find no evidence of this. What is the basis of your purported knowledge in this regard?

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