Parole, Probation How do I get probation terms modified due to recurring cancer?

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I have only been on probation for a couple of months I didn't know when I plead out to drug offender probation that I would have to drive over to another town 20 to 25 minutes away to go to probation office. There isn't an drug offender probation officer in the office of the town I live in. Due to the medications I am on which cause blurred vision, dizziness, and drowsiness plus I am doing chemotherapy every week. Its hard for me to drive that far. I don't like to drive taking medications like these and finding someone to drive me isn't always an option. The judge when I was sentenced said in court there wasn't any difference between regular probation and drug probation so I don't think she will object to it I just need to no how to go about doing it. I know I can do it myself just need to know how.
Speak with your current probation officer and bring a letter from your physician that is treating you.
Your PO will advise you as what you need to do to get the court's approval.
I think it is a formality, if things are as you indicate.
I wish you well with your chemo.
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