How do I kick my wife out of my house?


New Member
Married a women who wanted money. She found out I recently have been moving money out of our joint accounts and she immediately filed for divorce the next day. But that day....

Her, her daughter and her daughter's husband (it was an arranged marriage my wife set up with an old, short, ugly doctor (no offensive) so he's trying to prove his worth) who were visiting tried to beat me up. I locked myself in my bedroom and they tried to break down the door to attack me. Called the police, before I can even ask for help the dispatcher can hear the banging and their threats and immediately sent police over. Have the police report and pictures of the broken door. Mentioned this to my attorney who kind of just dismissed it "meh, it's hard to kick out a spouse".

Instead my lawyer wants me to go on the defense and answer questions where she's claimed she's divorcing due to abuse.

I paid for the house 100% and everything in it.

Quite baffling a lady can say abuse, yet go home every day to a house with literally nothing in it by her accused abuser. Her kids don't live here. Older one is married and has a house. Younger one is in college but lives with his biological dad now (he knows she's crazy). By nothing in our house, she gave away most of my furniture to her daughter when she bought a house because she's too cheap to buy her furniture. Oh, should add my wife works and is fully capable of renting and buying a house.
"meh, it's hard to kick out a spouse".

Generally, having a spouse removed from the marital home is difficult.

The recitation of events you provided MIGHT find favor with a judge should you seek an emergency order of protection, because your spouse hired (or otherwise encouraged) her thug daughter and son-in-law to "work you over".

The police report, photos you have of the damages the thugs caused, the 911 recording capturing the attack commotion and pandemonium; can be subpoenaed in an effort of proving your case to receive a permanent order of protection.

I suggest you discuss this matter with three other attorneys and retain the one you believe can best prosecute your case to have the violent female and her thug squad banished from your home.

You should also immediately Institute divorce proceedings to permanently and promptly extricate these savages from your life.

Get busy retaining the right lawyers lest the thug squad return to finish what they started.
Honestly, I'm not in a hurry to get a divorce. Considering my income is 10x hers, I stand to lose a fortune.

For reference, probably the only time she ever bought anything, she box a box of envelopes. When I asked for one she charged me a stamp for an envelope. When I went to get an envelope I noticed the box was tore on the side and made a statement "must have been the last box", to which she commented "not if you wanted more than 100"....apparently she took few envelopes from another box and stuffed it in this box because well 100 envelopes for $1? $2? is too much for her.

Essentially for half our marriage she's been living in a guest room, we don't talk, I never divorced because I don't plan on remarrying and I'd lose big in a divorce. But she turned psycho after seeing me transfer funds away from out mutual account to my own kids and filed for the divorce.

Planned on kicking her out and dragging the divorce on, I know she'll go crazy spending her own money and force her to settle on something so I don't lose a fortune.

Retired a year ago and planned on moving closer to my children but covid paused my house hunting. If the court order doesn't work, can I sell the house?

I mean can I do anything? Cut her off my car insurance? Cut her line off my phone plan?
How long have you been married?
Why do you believe that you will lose a fortune?
Have you spoken to a divorce attorney?
How long have you been married?
Why do you believe that you will lose a fortune?
Have you spoken to a divorce attorney?

married 12 years, no kids
Attorney said "she's about to inherit a fortune" so I figured I was paying her the fortune and not him lol.

said she was getting 1/2 of my income for the past 12 years and 1/3 of the house

nice guy but I feel like he's just going through the process To get this done ASAP when I want her kicked out and drag the case on. I know she's psycho about spending her own money and she's trying to marry a even older handicap doctor...this'll force her to settle than less

her lawyer is a bails bondsman.....
You are represented. You need to listen to your attorney. If you no longer have faith in what your attorney is telling you, then you should find a new attorney.

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