How do I limit the authority of my health care agent/POA in my Advance Directive?

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I am in the process of preparing an Advance Medical Directive. I would like to find out if I can limit the authority of my health care proxy/POA by adding a specific instruction like this in the Living Will section: "In case there is a conflict between instructions given by my health care agent/POA and instructions given by me in my Advance Medical Directive, my Advance Directive shall take priority." According to the Commission on Law and Aging website, this is a viable way of limiting authority given to a health care proxy/POA. In reality, would medical providers honor it in an emergency?
I am in the process of preparing an Advance Medical Directive. I would like to find out if I can limit the authority of my health care proxy/POA by adding a specific instruction like this in the Living Will section: "In case there is a conflict between instructions given by my health care agent/POA and instructions given by me in my Advance Medical Directive, my Advance Directive shall take priority." According to the Commission on Law and Aging website, this is a viable way of limiting authority given to a health care proxy/POA. In reality, would medical providers honor it in an emergency?

In theory, yes.

In practical application, possibly not.

Are you looking to be a "full code"?

Or, do you want "end of life considerations" in the event of a medical emergency?
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