Her CNP (and an RN) both viewed the damage (first full week of May, 2020). Their assessment was, "Medical Assault". In trying to pursue charges (via a prosecutor), I was told to file a police report. Trouble is...in that jurisdiction... the hospital has its OWN police dept and any and all "charges" have to go VIA their "Patient Advocate dept"!
The doctor AND the Patient Advocate dept BOTH denied that a "debridement" (to my wife's Sacral-area-wound) had occurred (in the last week of April, 2020) during my wife's stay at their facility. She was delivered to our home that following Sunday (May 3rd) by the SAME hospital's EMS service with a (2 cm dia.) Sacral-region-hole (surgically removed - clear through ALL layers of skin) with only an ABD pad to cover it and NO other formal dressings (commonly used to keep a wound of this nature infection-free). I took time-stamped pics of the wound...within 1 hour of her arrival at home. We then had to deal with the (Stage 4) damage (over 8 months of "HELL"!) and we FINALLY were able to get it healed (Jan, 2021). During the last month of the Sacral-area-wound's healing time, a different, related wound occurred (as a result of the months it took healing the "Sacral-area" pressure wound).
Just recently (August, 2021) during a visit to our LOCAL wound clinic, (to our GREAT surprise) this same doctor was on call there and (after checking this new, now-infected pressure wound) got "in my face" (less than 6") about the first wound!! He AGAIN denied the (April, 2020) "debridement" saying, "I don't have chart notes on it! So, THEREFORE...I didn't do it!"