Other Criminal Charges & Offenses How much jail time


New Member
My question involves criminal law for the state of: Illinois

My siblings father has recently been in a lot of trouble. I am currently planning on filing for custody of them and I would like to know approximately how much jail time he is looking at.

Currently he has about 3 warrants out

1. for not showing up to court (driving on suspended)

2. For not paying any fines

3. I unaware of the reasoning for the third.

He also has a police report that was filed early this month. His former employer, a car dealer ship, fired him and their father broke into the family business that he was working at and stole $500+ worth of tools.

He has been to jail previously for armed robbery and served 2 years and is a convicted felon.

I know its hard to say, but could anyone give me any kind of hypothesis on possibly how much time he could get.
Warrants don't get you the jail time - the charges that caused the warrants to be issued do and if you don't know what all of those charges are then it's worthless trying to guess.

You should be discussing the relevance of that with your family law attorney.
My siblings father has recently been in a lot of trouble. I am currently planning on filing for custody of them

Who are "them"? Also, I assume this is a half-sibling (otherwise his/her father would also be your father). I can't imagine why you would refer to your half-sibling as "them" since you presumably know his or her gender.

I would like to know approximately how much jail time he is looking at.

Currently he has about 3 warrants out

1. for not showing up to court (driving on suspended)

2. For not paying any fines

3. I unaware of the reasoning for the third.

The first two things mentioned are fairly minor and might not result in any jail time. Rather obviously, we cannot tell you what he might be facing for an offense you don't know anything about.

their father broke into the family business that he was working at and stole $500+ worth of tools.

Depending on what he's charged with, burglary and theft of property over $500 could carry multiple years of imprisonment.

As previously advised, you should be discussing all of this with an attorney.
They are 2 twin girls. The biggest charge he is facing is the theft charge of $500-$1000 worth of tools. I know for sure he has been to jail about 5 times for driving on a suspended license and now has another warrant for not showing up to court. I am unsure what the other two warrants are for. Would it look better for me in court if their father has an extensive criminal record? If you look on our local county website he has pages of charges listed.
They are 2 twin girls. The biggest charge he is facing is the theft charge of $500-$1000 worth of tools. I know for sure he has been to jail about 5 times for driving on a suspended license and now has another warrant for not showing up to court. I am unsure what the other two warrants are for. Would it look better for me in court if their father has an extensive criminal record? If you look on our local county website he has pages of charges listed.

You can call the prosecutor or DA and ask.
Usually you can find it on their website.

It won't matter if he is accused of killing 55 people, raping 300 women, and robbing 35 banks.

He, as are ALL, criminal defendants; is innocent until proven guilty.

Plus, if he did all of those things to others and spared his kids, it will matter less.

If he had done bad things to the kiddies, someone might care.
Would it look better for me in court if their father has an extensive criminal record?

Kind of a pointless question. His record is what it is.

You didn't mention how old the kids involved are, but you're not going to get custody until and unless they are removed from the custodial parent's care by child services, at which point, you can ask that they be placed with you. If no closer relatives step up, it would probably be logical that they be placed with you.

Again, consult with a local attorney.

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