Parole, Probation How much time can you get for fleeing the state when on probation?

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my fiancee' is on misdemeanor probation in chicago. he has been having some problems there to where his life is in danger. his brother was shot and almost died back in january, his 1 year old nephew was shot and died in his arm in march when a drive by shooting accur, this past weekend him and his family was hanging out and some dudes drove up and opened up fire and his cousin was killed. he has talked with his po to get his probation transferred to fl. but she's not willing to let him do that. what right do he have especially if he fears for his life. he wants to flee and get a lawyer to handle his case but he fears going to jail. his probation is up in february 2012.
what right do he have especially if he fears for his life.

None. If he violates the terms of his probation he may end up in jail- especially if he knowingly does so after discussing it with the PO.

he wants to flee and get a lawyer to handle his case but he fears going to jail.

He should fear going to jail if he violates his probation. He can move many safe places that will not be in violation of his probation terms. I suggest he consider moving elsewhere in the same county and stop associating with the type of people who are bringing such chaos into his life.

his probation is up in february 2012.

That isn't very long to wait. Move somewhere else in the county for six months then leave the state when released from probation.
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