Criminal Records, Expungement how to expunge an 14yr old felony?

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I really would like to go to medical school. I think my best bet for getting in pre-med and being hired after I graduate is to have my record expunged.

Is this possible. I was convicted in 1989 of aggravated possesion of controlled substance. 3,4 methylendioxy, methamphetamines(MDMA). I was 19 yrs old. I am 33 now. Is this even possible to do?

If it is expunged; how does it show up on a persons record?

Thanks in advance

I am not exactly positive how expungement of records is handled in Texas, but in most states the Governor has a committee or board that reviews requests and submits their recommendations.

I would contact the Governors office and ask what their procedure is. If you are granted expungement; it will be completely removed from your record as if the offense never occurred. Good luck!
Depends: were you tried as an adult or juvenile?
Well, you can most certainly get it expunged, but it will be more difficult if you were an adult at the time. Since you were only 18, though, it shouldn't be that difficult. Was it a felony or misdemeanor?

I just recently got sale/possession of controlled substance with intent to sell and they made it a second degree felony, and I am going to have my record expunged when I turn 18 (I'm 15 now) and the people I talked to said that it will cost more since it's a felony.
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