how to writ4e a quitclaim deed


New Member
I bought a property in my name. My wife wanted to be added as an owner so we filed a quitclaim deed saying john doe quitclaims the property xxx to john doe and jane doe. So far so good. But now we are splitting up and as part of our agreement I am getting the house back. So do we now file a quitclaim deed saying "jane doe quitclaims the property xxx to John doe" or should the quitclaim deed read "john doe and jane doe quitclaim the property to John doe"?

We are in Washington state if that makes a difference. Thank you very much for your input with this confusing technicality.
I bought a property in my name. My wife wanted to be added as an owner so we filed a quitclaim deed saying john doe quitclaims the property xxx to john doe and jane doe. So far so good. But now we are splitting up and as part of our agreement I am getting the house back. So do we now file a quitclaim deed saying "jane doe quitclaims the property xxx to John doe" or should the quitclaim deed read "john doe and jane doe quitclaim the property to John doe"?

We are in Washington state if that makes a difference. Thank you very much for your input with this confusing technicality.

Your wife can simply "quit claim" back to you her interests in the property that you so kindly gave to her.

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