How to write "paid in full" on check?

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What is the legal format for writing "paid in full" on your check so that when a credit company cashes it, it means that this account is in fact paid in full? How, where and what do you write on check? My daughter was told that they would accept $300 on her account as paid in full, but we have nothing in writing to that effect.
You may want to send a letter accompanying the check stating that by cashing the check the company agrees that you have paid a certain debt in full satisfaction of whatever it is you have satisfied. I would write "Account # - Paid in Full" clearly and legibly on the check where there is room, and it might be in the memo section. I don't think that there is any "legal" way to do it. Much would probably depend upon the creditor's ability to see and understand the comment and accept the terms. With the letter you avoid the issue of whether there was a lack of knowledge and understanding.
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