Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI Husband arrested still not booked

Chelsea harding

New Member
My husband got arrested at 1am last night. It is now 9pm and ive called multiple times and they keep telling me he hasnt been booked yet. His charged are dui and refusing a breathalizer. Is this legal to hold him this long and not have him processed? He hasnt even got a phone call yet. We are on vacation and from michigan. I am very frustrated. Is this legal? How long can they hold him? Do i need to get a lawyer?
He can be held until he cooperates and allows the jail to book him.

Many inebriated people fight, cause trouble, etc...

Jails often need 12-24 hours for those kinds of people to calm down and get with the program.

If you've heard nothing by 0900 AM Thursday, contact a bail agency and see if they can tell you anything about hubby's arrest, booking, charges, etc...
Um no he was actuallly in there for 36 hours... they didnt book him till after 24 hours of being there.. thats ridiculous

No. It's not ridiculous. Keeping a drunk driver off the road for 36 hours is a public service.

He should think about this ordeal next time he goes drinking and wants to get behind the wheel. I'm guessing this isn't the first time. Probably won't be the last.
Um no he was actuallly in there for 36 hours... they didnt book him till after 24 hours of being there.. thats ridiculous

If he had been arrested, perhaps convicted for DUI in the past, he may have been required to see a judge for his bond to be set.

If he was on probation, or parole, maybe he was required to see his PO.

What explanation did he offer you as to why his release was delayed?

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