husband left me for another woman - I want him to pay atty. fees

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My husband left me for another woman and I heard that I could have him pay my atty. fees. The only problem is that he is currently laid off and doesn't have money. Can the fees be paid once he's back to work or will he not have to pay my atty. fees because he's laid off currently? I live in Mass.
My husband left me for another woman and I heard that I could have him pay my atty. fees. The only problem is that he is currently laid off and doesn't have money. Can the fees be paid once he's back to work or will he not have to pay my atty. fees because he's laid off currently? I live in Mass.

Who is the primary wage earner in the household, as of now?
Well I only work a part-time job and he gets more for unemployment than me but he's not living with me now as he is living with his girlfriend.
The payment of attorney fees isn't a punishment, it's done by the party with more money. So if you aren't careful YOU may be paying his fees. Divorce isn't going to be about punishing your ex. Good luck, make it quick and clean.
You do not get attorneys fees just because he is at fault for the divorce. If he is unemployed a court very likely is not going to award you fees. You are required to try and work something out with him and settle. If you run to an attorney then you are on your own, especially if you are trying to take him to the cleaners.
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