I am 18 years old caught stealing, what will happen to me?

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Hi I am 18 years old, a sophmore in college with an excellent G.P.A. I was caught stealing 2 tester perfumes that added up to $50 about. I have a clean record, have never done this before. I was told I would have to pay the amount and pay fines to the store, that I was also banned from the store. I had to sign a few papers. I also have to go to court august 20th.I am very stressed out and confused considering I have never been through anything like this before. Will I need a laywer or public defender or do I just go with my mother?? Will this stay on my record forever? I made a mistake and I know what I did is wrong. I have never been to court, I just would like to know what is going to most likely happen to me. :(:confused:
Public Defenders are for those who cannot afford to hire counsel. Whether you quaify or not depends on what the rules are in your county. Your Mother is not required as your an adult. This can have a huge negative impact on your life even thoug the crime itself is minor. You should consult with some criminal defense Attorneys whether you hire one o rnot. Then you can have some knowledge before court. You can also visit the site in my signature line. You might find some help there as well
i should plead not guilty, even though they have me on camera ? what would be the outcome if i plead guilty. and what if i plead not guillty? i know there is no way of anyone knowing for sure, because it depends on the judge. but what is your opinion. and if i go and request a PD what will happen next? I have court the 20th, and i leave to go back to college (2 hrs away) the 22nd.
If you walk in plead guilty Judge will sentence you. No plea deals just sentencing. Its normal procedure to plead not guilty at araignment to allow the defendant's Attorney to meet with DA over plea deal.
What would be a "normal sentence" in this case if i were to plead guilty. My biggest hope is to have this somehow taken off my record, is that possible? and if I plead not guilty, then im assuming i will leave and have to come back to court another time?
This may sound ridiculous but what would be a "normal sentence" in this case if i were to plead guilty? My biggest hope is to have this somehow taken off my record, is that possible? and if I plead not guilty, then im assuming i will leave and have to come back to court another time?
What would be a "normal sentence" in this case if i were to plead guilty. My biggest hope is to have this somehow taken off my record, is that possible? and if I plead not guilty, then im assuming i will leave and have to come back to court another time?
Hi, What would be a "normal sentence" in this case if i were to plead guilty. My biggest hope is to have this somehow taken off my record, is that possible? and if I plead not guilty, then im assuming i will leave and have to come back to court another time?
not trying to be rude, but ive been looking all day today and yesterday for answers to my questions. such as a few of the questions ive asked you and no websites are helping. i have no one to help me with on this, and i dont know what to do. I would really appreciate that if you knew the answers you could answer my question rather than refering me to websites, because thats all ive done all day is try to find websites to help me. Such as "What would be a "normal sentence" in this case if i were to plead guilty. My biggest hope is to have this somehow taken off my record, is that possible? and if I plead not guilty, then im assuming i will leave and have to come back to court another time?"
not trying to be rude, but ive been looking all day today and yesterday for answers to my questions. such as a few of the questions ive asked you and no websites are helping. i have no one to help me with on this, and i dont know what to do. I would really appreciate that if you knew the answers you could answer my question rather than refering me to websites, because thats all ive done all day is try to find websites to help me. Such as "What would be a "normal sentence" in this case if i were to plead guilty. My biggest hope is to have this somehow taken off my record, is that possible? and if I plead not guilty, then im assuming i will leave and have to come back to court another time?"
If I knew the answers to "all" your question I would not suggest you go elsewhere!:rolleyes: The site I gave you if for just these questions not general law. If you dont like what your getting you can keep searching websites on your own!:yes:
OK, hold still while I smack the crap out of you for not listening. Good. Now that we have that out of the way, jacksgal has told you what you need to do.

The max. sentence would depend on your area. But here's the deal. When you go to the arragnment, plead not guilty. You then get your lawyer (weather your own, or a public defender) and go back to court. The worst that will happen is you will get found guilty and get senteced as you would if you pelad guilty in the first place. But the advantage of pleading not guilty is when you go to court, your lawyer can work out a plea deal, and that is how you would get this reduced. And the best case is that somehow this can get dropped. But there's no chance of that just pleading guilty.

I take it from your comment of they have you on film that you are worried about pleaing not guilty being lying in court. That's not the case.

As jacksgal said, go to the arragnment, plead not guilty, and request a lawyer.
thank you both very much, sorry if i was rude in any way, or misunderstood what you were saying. I have never been through anything like this, and I am very stressed out and upset.
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