I am a step mom is my income counted for child support for my step son? Husband works for me.

Rae of light

New Member
Filing for joint custody for my step son with my new husband. The boy is 3 years old and the mother has refused service multiple times to proceed with the joint custody. I have a business now 17 years strong I'm 37 my husband is 23. I have 2 kids of my own that live with us. We filled out the sworn financial statement and since the beginning of this year he quit his past job to work for me. I don't pay him a paycheck but we work together and being self employed the income fluctuates and we count our net income because the business expenses and taxes have to be paid before we can live.

I filled out all my (now ours) living expenses which looks like a lot compared to what I said I would pay an office manager outside the office.

Are they going to consider my income to determine child support? We are shooting for 50/50 custody to share equally the expenses.

Please help I don't want to have to pay hundreds of dollars a month to a child we share equally and I have to support my business and 2 kids and husband also. Money is tight for business owners anymore.
Filing for joint custody for my step son with my new husband. The boy is 3 years old and the mother has refused service multiple times to proceed with the joint custody. I have a business now 17 years strong I'm 37 my husband is 23. I have 2 kids of my own that live with us. We filled out the sworn financial statement and since the beginning of this year he quit his past job to work for me. I don't pay him a paycheck but we work together and being self employed the income fluctuates and we count our net income because the business expenses and taxes have to be paid before we can live.

I filled out all my (now ours) living expenses which looks like a lot compared to what I said I would pay an office manager outside the office.

Are they going to consider my income to determine child support? We are shooting for 50/50 custody to share equally the expenses.

Please help I don't want to have to pay hundreds of dollars a month to a child we share equally and I have to support my business and 2 kids and husband also. Money is tight for business owners anymore.

I suspect the court will IMPUTE his income, if it isn't shown on paychecks.

That allows THEM to poke, peek, and pry all over your books.

You shouldn't be paying HIS child support, no more than he should pay yours.

Think of it this way, ma'am.

You are checking your luggage to fly to some nice destination.

You have three bags, all of them in excess of 75 pounds, each.

You're going to be charged extra for those bags.

You don't mind, because you're really looking forward to the trip.

Excess baggage always has a price.

Is the excess baggage you're about to pay for, to help him get his kid, worth it?

You own a business.
You are self sufficient.
He's not paying your excess baggage fees, because you have none.

You might want to think long and hard if you can afford this guy and his excess baggage fees.

Only you can protect your assets and bank account.

You might want to discuss all of this with a lawyer, ALONE.

After all, it is YOUR money and business you're thinking about protecting.

Good luck.
I suspect the court will IMPUTE his income, if it isn't shown on paychecks.

That allows THEM to poke, peek, and pry all over your books.

You shouldn't be paying HIS child support, no more than he should pay yours.

Think of it this way, ma'am.

You are checking your luggage to fly to some nice destination.

You have three bags, all of them in excess of 75 pounds, each.

You're going to be charged extra for those bags.

You don't mind, because you're really looking forward to the trip.

Excess baggage always has a price.

Is the excess baggage you're about to pay for, to help him get his kid, worth it?

You own a business.
You are self sufficient.
He's not paying your excess baggage fees, because you have none.

You might want to think long and hard if you can afford this guy and his excess baggage fees.

Only you can protect your assets and bank account.

You might want to discuss all of this with a lawyer, ALONE.

After all, it is YOUR money and business you're thinking about protecting.

Good luck.

I love him and he's a valuable asset to my company and I'm ok with supporting his son with child expenses while he's with us 50/50 my kids dad and I don't pay each other child support we co parent and share the responsibility. I'm just hoping that my income and assets isn't made open to view to seen as he having more than he really does. I'm not super worried about it but I wonder.
I love him and he's a valuable asset to my company and I'm ok with supporting his son with child expenses while he's with us 50/50 my kids dad and I don't pay each other child support we co parent and share the responsibility. I'm just hoping that my income and assets isn't made open to view to seen as he having more than he really does. I'm not super worried about it but I wonder.

Before you become TOO exposed, you might want to consult a lawyer in your county.

What you're describing, at least the way you've described it, could allow a curious attorney to search through your records.

It might be better for you to hire him at a $10.00/hour wage, giving him a 40 hour work week. That caps his income at $400 a week. That way it keeps your company's business dealings PRIVATE.
I love him and he's a valuable asset to my company and I'm ok with supporting his son with child expenses while he's with us 50/50 my kids dad and I don't pay each other child support we co parent and share the responsibility. I'm just hoping that my income and assets isn't made open to view to seen as he having more than he really does. I'm not super worried about it but I wonder.

Your not supporting his son.. He is supporting his son. Without him there doing the things then you would have to hire someone to do them. Just because you don't give him a pay check doesn't mean he isn't earning his keep.
Filing for joint custody for my step son with my new husband. The boy is 3 years old and the mother has refused service multiple times to proceed with the joint custody. I have a business now 17 years strong I'm 37 my husband is 23. I have 2 kids of my own that live with us. We filled out the sworn financial statement and since the beginning of this year he quit his past job to work for me. I don't pay him a paycheck but we work together and being self employed the income fluctuates and we count our net income because the business expenses and taxes have to be paid before we can live.

I filled out all my (now ours) living expenses which looks like a lot compared to what I said I would pay an office manager outside the office.

Are they going to consider my income to determine child support? We are shooting for 50/50 custody to share equally the expenses.

Please help I don't want to have to pay hundreds of dollars a month to a child we share equally and I have to support my business and 2 kids and husband also. Money is tight for business owners anymore.

You are not getting custody of any stepchild because you are a stepmom. You are not the mom or the dad. You have no legal rights to that child. Your husband is working on custody.

50/50 doesn't always mean everything is exactly equal either.

I paid $350 a month in child support for my now ex husband for his other three kids. It's not fun. Don't do it. Your husband should be paying support. If you aren't paying it directly to the state agency, it doesn't count as child support either fyi. If you're going to do it, do NOT give his ex any money directly. That's a gift.

As stated you need to pay him a wage and then you can avoid having any lawyers peeking around in your finances.

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