I believe my grandfather is being taken advantage of by his ex wife of 30+ years


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Hello! Thank you to any of those who choose to read this. I will try and make this as short and instructive as possible.

I am currently 18 years old. My father and I both are on the same page, but we have no idea what to do.

In 2016 my grandfather had a stroke. I had moved a few hundred miles away & didn't get the chance to see him until I moved back in 2017. One of the first things I did was see my grandfather. I drive up to his home, get confronted by his caregiver, and I am being advised that I cannot be there. I question this of course because my grandfather and I have always been close. To this day he has no issue with me being there. After challenging everything I later get confronted by my grandfather's ex-wife. Mind you they have been divorced for at least 30 years. They have two daughters together, but from my knowledge, my grandfather's ex was never around until my grandfather had his stroke.

I am told the same thing only I am still given no legitimate explanation as to why I cannot see my grandfather. I was told that I am merely a thief and a gold digger, but that is entirely preposterous. Over the last few months, I have continued checking in on him despite always being told that I can't. I have noticed renovations in my grandfather's home that he would never bother doing. I do not see him as often as I would like because of this situation. Today (10/11/18) I decided to pay him a visit. I am confronted by a new caregiver, same thing, only this time I am tired of running off to avoid the confrontation. The ex-wife gets a call from this caregiver, and within two minutes, I am now dealing with this woman too. I simply stated that I am just here to see my grandfather.

After a few minutes pass, she calls the police. At this point, I am still unsure of everything that's going on. From my knowledge, this was still my grandfather's property. If he wants me to leave, he would tell me, right?

After speaking to the sheriff deputy, I gladly leave to avoid further confrontation. I could not be told to go at the time because my grandfather's ex did not have proof of authority. The officer later came to my father's house (where I live as well) to answer questions we still had. We asked that the officer verify the documents that my grandfather's ex-wife has because we were getting nothing from her. Come to find out she got power of attorney and a living will right after my grandfather had his stroke.

He does not seem to realize that she has done this. Another thing I found out today was that my grandfather could not name the president, the date, day, etc. He seemed so comprehensible around my father and I, we never even realized things were quite this bad. From what my father and I were told, my grandfather only needed to sign for everything to be handed over to his ex. If he is as incompetent as he appeared today, how is it that she can do this with a simple signature? Wouldn't she have to prove that he is incapable before this, not just ask him to sign a document? OR If my grandfather is incompetent when asked to sign the court documents, would that not be illegal?

After everything I learned today, it made a little more sense as to why my grandfather's ex keeps me away from him. The renovations make sense because it's not for my grandfather, it's for his ex. I was apparently in my grandfather's original will, (I don't know all the details) but with this new living will, that is now irrelevant. This entire time I was technically trespassing, but my grandfather's ex never wanted me to know it was now her property. If it weren't for the sheriff's deputy I met today, I still wouldn't know. EVERYTHING belongs to this woman now.

Now that I do know, I just can't help but think that my grandfather is being played. Knowing him, he would at least willingly leave everything to his daughters, not their mother. So many aspects to this situation do not add up correctly. I need ideas on what we can do. I was told that my father and I could petition this all in court, but we both are unsure of what to do accurately. Our main concert is not us taking everything. Instead, we want my grandfather to enjoy everything that belongs to him. He is being taken advantage of, and it is genuinely heartbreaking.

Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much in advance.
I was told that my father and I could petition this all in court, but we both are unsure of what to do accurately.

Your father, not you, should hire an attorney so that he can be declared the legal guardian of his father.

The former spouse has no standing to contest what your father can instruct his lawyer to do.

The daughters MIGHT be able to contest your father's actions in court.

Bottom line, this doesn't legally involve you.

It can involve your father.

Your father can learn the particulars from the attorney he hires.

Good luck to your father and his dad.
Your father, not you, should hire an attorney so that he can be declared the legal guardian of his father.

The former spouse has no standing to contest what your father can instruct his lawyer to do.

The daughters MIGHT be able to contest your father's actions in court.

Bottom line, this doesn't legally involve you.

It can involve your father.

Your father can learn the particulars from the attorney he hires.

Good luck to your father and his dad.
Your father, not you, should hire an attorney so that he can be declared the legal guardian of his father.

The former spouse has no standing to contest what your father can instruct his lawyer to do.

The daughters MIGHT be able to contest your father's actions in court.

Bottom line, this doesn't legally involve you.

It can involve your father.

Your father can learn the particulars from the attorney he hires.

Good luck to your father and his dad.
Thank you so much! I wonder.. If my grandfather's former spouse has no standing, is it really possible that she could have done this secretively? I personally don't know much about the law (explains why I'm here) so please excuse me if my questions are a bit dense. :)

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