I fear for the survival of the human race.

I have feared for this same thing for the past 20 years.

When I worked in IT I thought that the majority of people were reasonably intelligent and on-the -ball.

After I switched careers it took me about 6 months to realize that the opposite is true - most people are incredibly stupid. And it's not just Americans. I've dealt with a lot of foreign tourists that are just as stupid as anyone else. It's really horrifying to see on a daily basis.

Mankind is doomed.
Pray for the people. The Justice System can not be trusted. They nearly killed me over payoffs from my ex. Totally ridiculous. Your right.. All we can do is pray for Justice. We have too. People are losing God and their minds.

The hits just keep right on coming:

"You and I, We die together," read just one of the thousands of texts that investigators say Nicholas C. Nelson sent to a female acquaintance over a 12-day period in April.

The woman told a Broward Sheriff's detective that she knows Nelson, 48, of Parkland, through a close friend, but had rarely ever spoken with him and had only seen him in person several times.

The flood of texts — approximately 10,000 — began arriving on April 5th, the woman told investigators and the volume escalated after she told her friend about the messages — hoping to deter Nelson.

According to an arrest affidavit, which provides no known reason for the messages, some of the other texts read:

"The only man you'll ever be with again is me."

"Her & I can drive tanks around America & blow up churches or whatever we want & you could protect us."

"I'm not suicidal, not even in the least ... But I'd rather die then [sic] spend time in jail."

Nelson's actions went beyond text messages, according to detectives. On April 13th, Nelson again sent the woman a threat and also left clothes in the front yard of the home of her relatives.

Broward man gets 5 years probation for stalking judge »
And, according to the arrest affidavit, on April 17 Nelson sent the woman a picture of what appears to be an airport parking lot ticket from an unknown airport with the caption, "I'm going to start blowing up planes to prove my point."

Nelson is charged with aggravated stalking, writing intimidating and threatening messages and is being held in an aggravating stalking case out of Palm Beach County that court officials said involves a different victim. Details about that case were not immediately available.

Nelson was taken into custody out of state and booked into Broward's jail Sunday on preliminary bonds totaling $500,000 for the stalking and threat charges but with a no bond hold because of the Palm Beach County case.

"I feel my bond is very high. I don't feel it should be that high," Nelson told Broward Judge Jackie Powell during a Monday afternoon court appearance.

"I was picked up in Georgia on my way back to Florida. I spent 115 days on a hold in Georgia, which is a record. I was picked up on April 18th and was brought here yesterday and I would ask mercy from the court in relation to my bond."

Powell kept Nelson's bond in place.

"Based on the allegations, this court does believe there is cause for concern," she said.

Cops: Man sent woman 10,000 texts in 12 days, some sexually explicit and threatening
News out of my mother's hometown, Port Arthur, TX reveals another "jeanyuss" displaying his IQ and moral fiber:

PORT ARTHUR, Texas — The Port Arthur man accused of licking a half-gallon of Blue Bell ice cream and putting it back in the freezer in a video recently posted on Facebook has been released from jail.

D'Adrien Anderson, 24, has been released from the Jefferson County Correctional Facility on a $1,000 bond.

Anderson told 12News that some of his fellow inmates recognized him from news coverage of his case.

Authorities say he was charged with criminal mischief due to the monetary loss to WalMart after they were forced to restock all of their product.

What was initially a prank aimed at going viral has turned on Anderson who, as well as being arrested, has been fired from his job.

Anderson tells 12News he is lucky to only be charged with a misdemeanor.

When asked if he regretted licking the ice cream Anderson told 12News "yeah. Of course I do."

"I still love Blue Bell so hopefully they don't ban me from buying it," he told 12News.

Port Arthur man accused of opening, licking Blue Bell ice cream released on $1K bond, says he regrets actions

Dead God,

I wish to, once again, Thank You from the very depths of my soul for gifting my children with a good brain and the ability to easily resist the "sirens song" of dumb-ass-atude.


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