I need an easement, where do I begin?

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New Member
Hello! I am so glad I found this site. Today I learned that easements are essential..:) I went to look at properties and one had a problem with an easement which the realtor could not clarify. It turned out that the property was not going to fit my needs so I contiued my search...only to find that my father has gerously offered me a small piece of beautiful property which he has never built on...he tells me that there is no access to the property. It is landlocked...how can this be? He does not want to deal with it..he is retired and chooses his batles carefully..but now that I can build on it I am hoping to remedy the situation.
Can someone plese guide me and tell me what I can do? I live in California and it is a rural property in Siskiyou. I am excited to work all this out. Thanks so much for any help on this matter.
Anita Rene
generally, you should be entitled to some ingress and egress easement. the easement should be the least intrusive as possible. In otherwords, you may be able to pick the most convenient. the public policy here is that society should not have wasted land due to land locks
Thank you for your reply. It sounds more promoisng but who do I ask etc...the land has been in my fathers posession for over 30 years and and lack of an easement has been an issue. Do I knock on doors...go to the title company? As you can see I have no clue.
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