I need help! please what does this mean?am i throwing my life away?

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1. Access. The parties acknowledge that Employee will have access to and Employee will develop certain of the Company's proprietary technology and confidential information (collectively referred to as "Confidential Information"), whether currently existing or to be developed in the future.

2. Confidential Information
(a) Both during his or her employment with the Company and after the employment relationship with the Company has ended for any reason, Employee shall not use, disclose or otherwise provide the Company's Confidential Information to anyone else, except with the Company's prior written permission or, during Employee's employment with the Company, in furtherance of Employee's services for the Company.

(b) The Confidential Information includes information entrusted or made available to Employee, whether in writing, in computer form or conveyed orally or otherwise, that is not generally known by others in the form in which such information is used by the Company and that gives the Company a competitive advantage over other companies who do not have access to this information.

(c) Confidential Information does not include information which Employee can demonstrate by written record or otherwise to the Company's satisfaction that (i) Employee knew prior to his or her employment with the Company or (ii) subsequently comes into his or her possession other than through Employee's work at the Company and not as a result of a breach of any duty owed to the Company or (iii) is generally known in the industry.

3. Assignment of Intellectual Property. Employee agrees to assign, and does hereby assign, transfer and convey all right, title and interest in and to all confidential information, patents, patent applications (U.S. and foreign), know-how, trade secrets, inventions, subject matter contained in patent applications, methods, processes, techniques, devices, apparatuses, systems, techniques, copyrights, ideas, and concepts, whether or not copyrightable or patentable, in any form or media, including but not limited to any computer software programs, which Employee may conceive, create, develop or contribute to during the term of his or her employment relating to the business of the Company or developed with the resources (including, for example, time) of the Company, along with all causes of action, known or unknown, which have accrued or will accrue, from the conception or creation of any or all of the foregoing, and agrees to take all reasonable actions requested by the Company, and to execute all paperwork and sign all forms necessary to effectuate and confirm this assignment. If Employee is unable or unavailable to execute necessary documentation contemplated by this Section, he or she hereby irrevocably appoints the Company as Employee's attorney-in-fact to execute such documents. This assignment shall not extend to any intellectual property created on Employee's own time using no resources of the Company and which do not relate to the business, actual or reasonably contemplated, of the Company.

4. Remedies
(a) Employee recognizes that breach of this Agreement may severely and irreparably injure the Company. Therefore, Employee agrees that the Company may, in addition to all other remedies to which it is entitled, obtain expedited relief, including a temporary restraining order and/or preliminary injunction, from any court having personal jurisdiction over Employee. To ensure uniformity of interpretation and obligations by employees working for Company throughout the world, such court shall apply the laws of the State of New York, the State of the Company's principal place of business, without reference to its choice of law provisions, to any claims arising under this Agreement.

(b) The parties agree that this Agreement is reasonable to protect the Confidential Information and the Company's business relationships, and in particular that its duration and geographic scope are reasonable under all the circumstances. Shall a court determine that at the time this agreement is presented for enforcement any provisions are overly broad or unenforceable, the parties agree that the Court shall reform the agreement to the extent needed to make it enforceable and shall enforce the other terms as written.

Agreeing to be bound, the parties have signed this Agreement effective as of the date set forth above.

I've taken a very quick look and may need a re-read but I'm pretty sure it says what it does since it's not unusual for companies to craft these. In fact, it's typical...

1. Whatever you are working on for the company, they feel they are entitled to own all of it. If you are hoping to get royalties or believe you own some rights, now is the time to speak up because essentially they are saying you are just a hired hand.

2. If you are "in the industry" that is the same as your potential employer, be very aware that they may claim that something you work on - even slightly on company time or using their equipment - might open a door to a claim it's their property.

But here is the kicker in paragraph 3 - they are saying that ANYTHING you do "relating to the business of the Company or developed with the resources" is the Company's property. So if the company's business is in selling vacuum cleaners and at home you invent a new kind of vacuum cleaner, the company is saying that it owns that invention because it is related to the company's business and an extension of your employment. This is the case even if you do it at home, on your own time and using all your own equipment. This is not to say it's wholly dishonest as it's possible that the company is investing tons of money to create these cleaners and you're getting some of the benefit of knowledge thanks to the company. You also may be very well compensated so that if you sign away your rights to the inventions that is the exchange you are willing to accept.

I don't know more about your business and it may be acceptable to you. But if you consider your day job to be separate and you are "in the business" generally it might be a sensitive area. Best of luck and hope this helps - but do remember that if it is VERY important, nobody can help you as well as a lawyer who can read over the entire agreement and discuss with you all the matters relating to your employment. Given the compensation, it may be the most worthwhile investment you make.
I, of course, agree with the prof. It's standard stuff.

BUT we don't know what kind of business this is. And what kind of business the poster may want to engage in.

So (obviously) the best advice is hire a lawyer who knows about this stuff and have him look over the contract.
Thank you so much for your response Gentlemen

I am working on a patent for a new electronic technology. I can't disclose too much although i haven't signed anything yet. This technology can potentially revolutionize the world and when i first joined the team i was told i would be given a piece of the pie. I have been pressured lately to sign the contract and I am the youngest in the team but i contribute the most. Hypothetically lets say they are working on an automobile transmission system patent..so in future if i invent something related to the automobile industry although i don't work for them anymore and its not related to the transmission system? can they still make a claim towards my potential invention? Please help I am a college student working 60-70 hours and plus going to school full time for pre-law and engineering and I just don't to be another Nikola Tesla. People in today's world don't know Tesla well when he was responsible for technologies such as wireless, radar, remote control and AC and etc just because people cheated him out of his rights.
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