I signed a contract but didn't give it back


New Member
United Kingdom

This happened in the UK, but I imagine contract law is very similar in the US.

A landlord gave me a tenancy agreement for a room, I paid him a deposit and first months rent up front. I took the contract home and signed it, but I never handed the contract back as I instantly changed my mind about the whole tenancy.

Landlord refused to give my money back.

My small claims court hearing is in one month. I have the only original signed copy of the contract which I'm putting a copy of in the trial bundle. Shall I scribble my signature out? Is this contract enforced even though I didn't give it back?

Is there a process for removing a signature from a contract in this example? I'm a little weary about the whole situation really,
Unfortunately, there can be a great deal of difference between UK and US law. There can be a great deal of difference just within the US since we have both Federal law and state law, and 50 states. What's valid contract law in Florida may not be valid contract law in Minnesota; what's valid contract law in Minnesota may not be valid contract law in Hawaii. So I don't think we can even guess what might be valid contract law in the UK. Sorry.
You might want to try a UK law forum.
The Jurisdiction in the OP states United Kingdom (This is available as an option when selecting a Jurisdiction for the thread). It seems this forum is for users of United Kingdom also, but has seldom usage from people in this country.

I also downloaded The Law app for my iPhone which is available in the UK Apple Store, which when seeking advice, points me to these forums.

So I hope you can understand why I am a little confused...
Be that as it may, the current volunteers here do not include any experts on UK law. And I've already explained that even in the US there could be as many as 51 correct answers, so providing you with US law would do you no good.

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