I tried to keep it short..sorry..Illicit poor attempt at illegal eviction for non payment


New Member
So here's the back story.

We moved in to a place that was supposed to be 150 a week, but a two person apartment with 2 beds was 200, we took it.

Fast fwd a few months my girlfriend goes to jail for 2 and a half to 3 weeks for some old 2014 warrants. The landlord agrees to work with me. Im out of work but had one more check coming in. I got that check and paid him 3 weeks ahead. So my girl gets out to a job termination.

The man agrees to give us a break and allow us to get on our feet. The next day he ask my girlfriend (former dancer) to go sleep with 10 men for 200 dollars(pretty sure thats illegal) she declines and gets upset and says we need to pay 200 asap..so we reluctantly pay it. Screw him we need this place..

So we work out an agreement, 250 a week 200 for rent 50 for arrears. We do good were paying on time.

Last week we do some work around his properties and pay him for 2 weeks. The would be due date comes around and his wife comes demanding the weekly payment. I explain to her and show her the receipts for last week, she's addiment that we owe her and says she will start eviction process for non payment.

Today we get the notice. Its addresses to( fake names used here) Billy and Crystal Towers says we owe 500(?) And if not we must be out on 9/16/2019 no time given.

Geez I'm trying to keep this short I hope someone is still with me.

So my issues are this.
1. The wife is not the frickin landlord, the dude is, I made the agreement with him, he's out of town, and his wife trying to steam roll us.

2. I'm about 95 percent sure the vacate notice is not legal. She doesn't name correctly, it doesn't include a date and TIME as per the state statue requires.
Furthermore it doesn't list the supposed weeks we so called didn't pay. Also, we were home, our door unlocked and she placed it outside our door. The law says it's supposed to be hand delivered unless she can't get in. She just did not want to see us face to face. She knows we leave back door open too.
Last she is not the landlord and she is the only signature listed. I know she does not have the authority to evict us.

3. We have had on going issues but have been afraid to press them since we are in this payment agreement. But one is We have asked for a smoke detector for months now, and they have yet to install one. The apartment came equipping with 2 beds 2 people, furnished by the landlord. The landlords wife came 2 months ago and took one bed despite mybprotest I needed it for my back!! She promised to bring one but never did. We were paying for that!!
And last they enter our home to inspect with no notice what so ever whenever they want.

Is it too late to pursue action on our end.

I am going to appeal the order, she thinks we will be out in 3 days ha, good luck. I'd much rather work it out, but she is being unreasonable.

Oh btw she had my gf go with her to a alhigh powered nurse job and take a test for her because she has no understanding if anything. Should I report her to her employer now or later

PS, the church gave them a check for a hundred dollars based on a notarized statement from the landlord that they would allow us a payment plan. We have the dang paper. Now they are trying to opt out of it
1. The wife is not the frickin landlord, the dude is, I made the agreement with him, he's out of town, and his wife trying to steam roll us.

She can act on his behalf. She can't force you out by 9/16, but she can initiate an eviction if she goes about it the right way.

2. I'm about 95 percent sure the vacate notice is not legal.

It sounds like she has gone about it the wrong way. Right or not, the writing is on the wall. Start looking for a new home before it gets worse.

She promised to bring one but never did. We were paying for that!!
And last they enter our home to inspect with no notice what so ever whenever they want.

These are issues you can bring up if you ever find yourself in court trying to figure out who owes what. I suggest you make life easier and just be on your way as soon as you can make it happen. Is that place really worth fighting over? It doesn't sound like it.

Is it too late to pursue action on our end.

No, but it may not be worth it. Your actual losses are likely not what you think they are.

I am going to appeal the order

From what you described, there currently is no order. Her letter does not obligate you to move out by the date listed- it is a request.

Should I report her to her employer now or later

Probably neither unless you want your girlfriend to have potential legal problems.

PS, the church gave them a check for a hundred dollars based on a notarized statement from the landlord that they would allow us a payment plan. We have the dang paper. Now they are trying to opt out of it

This is irrelevant to your situation.
Thank you for your response. The easiest thing to do is just pay them despite the fact that she's breaking the agreement. But yes we are looking for another place. Our hopes are trying her up in court will give us the extra time to look.

We will not be rushed into the streets I'll say that much. Also, the reason I bring up the letter from the church because it could be used as proof that we entered into an agreement. Her act of trying to reclaim the property is an attempt on her in to break a written, notoriZed agreement.

I wrote her today and told her I will take this to court, but would rather her check her records, and we stick to our agreement. If not I need to buy at least 2 weeks of time.

Also what about the bed she removed. It was the reason we were paying 200, and then she removes the bed??? In Texas that's against the law..

Ah yes I know, only if I end up in a court room. I'm Hispanic, but God damn look at this, a lady fresh out of mexico is illegally trying to remove me from my home...when's the damn wall coming up

The crap has hit thr fan..for them!!! Please allow me a minute to compress and express my rage into a super condensed pixel singularity . <---- There. I am hot, I am heated, and upset! So yesterday I saw the landlord and another person picking up some leaves that were bagged up from a job I did. I noticed them outside my front door, and saw them hoisting the bags, but spilling leaves out. I thought to myself..clumsy people. I assumed they would pick it up.

Well last night I go outside in the dark and notice my trash can thrown to the side and trash thrown every where..I thought animals? Or maybe an angry landlord. I picked up the trash and thought nothing of it. Well last night my wife starts crying, and I asked what's wrong, she said a day before the landlord asked her to sleep with those men for 20o dollars he asked her for oral for 20 bucks.. she declined but felt bad because she kept it from me.she was scared I'd crush his face. I told her not to worry, I'm sure that it falls under harrasment. Which brings me to my next point...I go outside this morning, and those leaves they dropped happen to be ALL the leaves, they poured the leaves alllllllll over my front porch to the side of my house!!! There are no trees around my apartment!! Its clear as day this was done deliberately. I saw them doing it! I just assumed it was an isolated area and they would pick it up ..hell no ..they trashed my front porch. I didn't know what else to do so I called the police. I'm waiting for the telephone reporting unit to call me back. I want this documented!!!!!

Geezus Christ this is so unfair. I'm at my wit's end. I can't afford to cost of relocating at this moment..and it seems that they are trying to make us leave by harrasing my girl sexually and making a huge mess outside

Its the principal. As far as the person calling me racist??

I'm Hispanic, my grandfathers parents were from Mexico. This has nothing to do with race. It irks me an illegal foriegner is illegally trying to evict me. Its ironic. So please keep your triggered comments to yourself.

I could just pack up and move,. But rents in the budget not moving. The fact if the matter is the way they are going about it is illegal. Just wanted legal advice.bbi know I should move, and I will but first illsee them in court

I'd usually edit the post, but this is a new incident. Yes 10 am, and already having issues.

She came to my mom's apartment early in the morning to show her the text I sent her last night. I sent her text letting her know that we are paid up and will go to court if need be. Well she bangs on my mom's bedroom window demanding she wake up and witness the cuss word words I sent her .oh man, I don't know if it's a language barrier or she believes the word detrimental is a curse word.. geezus she's pushing it

This post is part of the same situation, but is in regards to different subject matter.

A quick recap. I had an agreement with landlord in regards to back rent. We have reciepts showing we are paid up the landlords wife is claiming we owe more. When asked for an invoice, a letter, inventory!! Something! In regards to what we owe and when we owe it she refuses to provide it and says we know.

Of course, that will all be taken care of court.

My concern is this. Since this ordeal has begun, we have been constantly harrased by the husband and wife. The specifics will be brought up in court. But we have filed a police report. The onlybthing im worried about is that it will look bad on us that we are waiting til now to report there actions being that we had no idea that what they were doing was illegal. We knew it was stress inducing, and made life pretty difficult. In the course of studying my rights i found many things wrong that they are doing.

Next up, we were delivered a vacate notice. The notice was filled out incorrect. I guess in the state of texas the notice is not important. I mean this with no sarcasm. I thought it had to be specific with the names and the date and time of deadline to vacate as well the dates we owed rent for..this is not the case.

Lastly in the eviction notice she said that i have cussed her out and party and drink etc..she said that i was a threat to the rest of the tenants, her and society. This is so wrong. I have never cussed this lady out, ive never been been rude to her or anyone here. My family are the other tenants along with 2 more couples who i am friends with!! I feel so upset, and even with other harrasment we recieved i truley feel betrayed by her.

I dont think i can file a counter claim in texas but she has to be held responsible for her lies. This is a report and request sunmitted to a government agency and she is absolutely lying! Do i need to hire a lawyer to subpoena the other tenants. Is this slander? My issue is not the eviction thats a battle we will fight with reciepts, the lease, and paper work. The harrasment is what im concerned with. Any advice? Do i need to file a seperate suit? Or can this be taken caee of in the same court.

And yes i know i shohld just move out and be done with it, but they are crossing the line and they must be helf accountable. I am the tenant so the burden of proof is on me.
Geezus Christ this is so unfair.

Life has always been unfair.

Short people long to be tall.

Fat people long to be thin.

Poor people want to be rich.

Rich people pine to be wealthy.

Dope addicts grinding it out just to get the next fix.

Big Company yearns to be Massive Company.

People are never satisfied, most are too darn lazy to change their condition.

I can't afford to cost of relocating at this moment

Then just learn to embrace and enjoy the SUCK.

Only you can change your plight.

Only you can make your life better.

No one owes any of us anything, except to allow us to go about our affairs unmolested and unimpeded.
Its the principal. As far as the person calling me racist??

I'm Hispanic, my grandfathers parents were from Mexico. This has nothing to do with race. It irks me an illegal foriegner is illegally trying to evict me. Its ironic. So please keep your triggered comments to yourself.

I could just pack up and move,. But rents in the budget not moving. The fact if the matter is the way they are going about it is illegal. Just wanted legal advice.bbi know I should move, and I will but first illsee them in court

Look, you have a history on various forums.

Based on the plurality of your posts, including those which have been removed from another legal forum for being offensive, I have to concur with Army Judge: only you can change your plight.

I do not know if you use alcohol or drugs, but if you do, please get evaluated by a professional to see if you qualify for help.

I do not know if you have some form of cognitive disability. If you do, please reach out to local support services.

What I do know is that you do not present yourself well in writing. While it sounds like you have real legal problems, your ability to effectively assert your legal rights is limited, because you do not express yourself well.
As far as the person calling me racist??

My late, great father was fond of saying, "Son, if you don't tarry to listen, or dare to look, you won't hear and you you won't see."

My father was the most brilliant man I've ever known.

The same goes for my mother.

They were both born in 1916.
They were children of the depression.
They were the adults of WWII.
They were this country's last, great generation; among this nations 15 (or so) generations of citizens, builders, and patriots.

As most of them have passed on, it is easy to understand why our nation struggles.

To prosper in this world one needs the thick hide of a rhino, the poor eyesight of a snake, the limited hearing of a cuttlefish, and the calmness of a cuttlefish.

Why risk your freedom (maybe your life) over words from anyone, much less someone you don't like or hold in high regard?

I'm Hispanic, my grandfathers parents were from Mexico.

If you don't take note of your ethnicity, racial identity, religious affiliation, sexual proclivities; other will have less ammunition to use against you.

Whenever someone asks me about race, I respond, primate or "homo sapiens".

Once the person stops laughing or giggling, things move forward.

I sent her text letting her know that we are paid up and will go to court if need be.

Never tip your hand to an enemy.
Don't describe what you're going to do, just do it, otherwise its best to use yoru right to remain silent.

geezus she's pushing it

Some people know how to push the buttons of other people.

The only button someone can push of mine is when they go hands on, then its on, otherwise I'm a sphinx.

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