I Voted by Mail Today

army judge

Super Moderator
It's great that you voted and that your state provides flexible voting options to encourage as many citizens to vote as possible. I plan to vote early early in my state, too.

Oddly though, until recently Trump and the Republican Party opposed voting by mail and other alternative options for voting and insisting that voting had to be done in person on election day. But as CBS news reported back in April, Trump flipped his stance to supporting early voting options, including voting by mail, on a post on his Truth Social platorm. So he obviously doesn't take seriously his previous position. If he did, he'd not be encouraging Republicans to use those toptioon a post on his Truth Social platform. It wasn't fraud concerns that motivated him to oppose early voting; it was a belief that early voting tended to benefit Democrats that bothered him. The party now seems to realize that some Republicans vote early, too, and that making it easier for Republicans as well as Democrats to vote early might actually be a good thing. Evidently, they no longer think that early voting is the big problem they made it out to be in 2020. I applaud the change in position even though it's based purely on politics rather than principle.

If he loses, will he change his stance yet again and try to get mail ballots tossed out to change the election result? Will your vote and mine ultimately count? With Trump, you never know where he'll stand on any given day.
Will your vote and mine ultimately count? With Trump, you never know where he'll stand on any given day.
I hope you don't gaslight your clients like you gaslight the public, at least those that read this forum.

Nobody is concerned with mail-in-ballots if they are cast by citizens who are legally registered, and their ballots are constitutionally verified, and are constitutionally counted according to the laws of the state.

MUST READ: One Citizen Platform Has Found a Way to Catch the Fraudulent Ballots and Illegal Voters Before November 1st - Here's How They Are Doing It | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor
My wife and I vote early because as senior citizens or people with serious medical concerns, Texas allows you to vote early by mail in EVERY election, not just the Presidential election.

Frankly, every voter should be allowed to choose the method he or she believes works best for their situation.

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