I want to see my boys.

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my mother in law has custody of my boys ages 6 & 7 she used to let me have contact with them but now she is completely cut me off. She was given custody because I was not at my best at that time in my life where I had went to jail and their father was in prison and cps got involved.. while i was in jail me and my ex husband we're both told that if we did not sign are rights over to her the state was going to separate the boys and put them in foster care. So at the time not having any legal advice or knowing any better we both signed. There was nothing stated by the court that I was not to have no contact with them and she used to let me visit them and see them or talk to them but now all the sudden she's cut off all communication I am at a point in my life where I am doing really good now and I would like to have my boys back in my life do I have any right is there anything I can do just for at least visitation a phone call or anything? PLEASE CAN ANYONE HELP
You need to talk to a Lawyer. A licensed Attorney can guide you through legal process and also advise you if the TPR was lawful or not
Talk to a lawyer before you do anything.
If parental rights were terminated, you are no different than any stranger would be. As their "parent" and guardian, the grandparent has total control over who has access to the children. It might be best for you to see them, but it may be disastrous for the children. These kids have two parents who failed them in pretty profound ways. If you care about them at all, you will abide by the wishes of the grandparent and follow the legal process if that needs to change.
So because of some bad choices I madeI should just leave my boys aloneI have graduated from aviary intense program I have completed probation I have completed parenting classesand I am doing very well for myself now and none of this could help me get my voice back all because of the fact that we signed her parental rights over even whenthe only reason we did it was keeping out of foster care and being separated.which we found out she had lied about
Actions have consequences, whether you like them or not.
So because of some bad choices I madeI should just leave my boys alone

I don't think anyone is saying this exactly. However, it may be a slow and gradual process of getting back into their lives. Good for you that are doing well and hopefully that will continue. Get the help of an attorney and follow their advice carefully.
Thank u . And I know that it will be a long p rocess. But I cant give up my heart wont let me they have only been gone for two years and I havnt seen them in a year I still buy them Xmas presents and Easter baskets and birthday gifts and started a scrapbook so when I do see them they can see all that's happened. I write them letters but do bbc.co t send them because shewill probably throw them awayI have never been in trouble until I got married to my ex husbandand now he going to be getting out of prison and hits his mother that has thenhe has been in prison for 6 years. and while he was in there I took care of themand it kills me to think that he will be getting out and he'll be able to see our boys and I won't be able to I'm sorry I'm just rambling on but thank you
Thank u . And I know that it will be a long p rocess. But I cant give up my heart wont let me they have only been gone for two years and I havnt seen them in a year I still buy them Xmas presents and Easter baskets and birthday gifts and started a scrapbook so when I do see them they can see all that's happened. I write them letters but do bbc.co t send them because shewill probably throw them awayI have never been in trouble until I got married to my ex husbandand now he going to be getting out of prison and hits his mother that has thenhe has been in prison for 6 years. and while he was in there I took care of themand it kills me to think that he will be getting out and he'll be able to see our boys and I won't be able to I'm sorry I'm just rambling on but thank you

You might want to talk with a mental health counselor.
You're not insane, crazy, or evil.
You're struggling, as we all have done, with a troublesome issue.
There is no magic formula, and what you desire you may never receive, a reunification with the children you carried for nine months.
Now, please attend to this carefully.
Your heart aches, and each child's heart might ache one day, too.
Therein lies your hope.
Separation can allow us time to think, to reconsider, to change and improve.
It also drives us to reunify, especially with children and parents.

So, you've already started the change.
You have admitted to your problem, and now you must own it.
Your former husband may have influenced you, but YOU chose to do everything that causes you pain today.
You chose to sign away your children, and now you've chosen to reunify with them.

You can continue writing letters, journaling, scrapbooking, and buying (then collecting) gifts for them.
One day they'll find you, or you'll find them.
They may be adults when that happens, but that's okay.
They'll acknowledge you as the ONLY woman that could have brought them into this world, and you'll simply love each other.

So, hold your head high, keep changing, and one day (the same way the ugly, little caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly) you'll be a butterfly, too!

Oh, one last thing.
I've been a dad, and liked being a dad.
Today I'm a grandfather and a great-grandfather, and I LOVE THAT MORE!!!
I love each of our children, but words can't describe the love I feel for my grands.
The love they return, my goodness, its magical.
My son shakes is head at how I interact (and my wife, too) with those little rascals (and the bigger rascals, among them).

Trust me, being a grandparent is 1,000,000 times better than being a parent, because its love without the headaches of being dad.
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even though it might not have been what I wanted to hear

You wouldn't want us to lie to you, would you?
Hang in there, you're still making memories.
It takes time to put stuff back together.
You'll have to build trust.
So, keep working your program, stay clean and sober; your time will come.
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