Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse I was arrested for possession of marijuana and I’m really concerned about my future.


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Hello. I was inquiring about an unfortunate event that happened to me Sunday night March 25th around 10:30 pm. I was coming home from work when I was pulled over for a driver side tail light that was out. When the lights came on me I immediately was thinking about the little marijuana I had in my car, under a gram it was. I put it in my shoe before the cop came to the window. He asked to see license and registration and then came back saying the car smelled of marijuana and that he was going to search it. 2 additional officer arrived to back him up. He asked if I smoked marijuana to which I replied "yes, recreationally" and then he asked if I had marijuana on me to which I replied "no" because it was in my shoe and though I've been searched before I have never been asked to take off my shoes unless something had been found in the car. Upon searching my car and finding nothing but my grinder the officer asked me to put my hand on my head to which he searched through all my pockets and coat pockets and grabbed around my ankles. I begun to get nervous that the officer would ask me to take off my shoes which he did. My heart sank. I took off my shoes and he clapped them together and the marijuana fell out. Immediately the marijuana fell out and I was placed in cuffs. I was begging with the officers that it was clearly only enough for personal use and that I was on my way back from work and meant no harm. I was put into the back of the car and was so distraught. I spent about 11 hours in jail and was bailed out by a close friend 10 AM on the morning of March 26th. A little about me, I'm a full time Biology major at Georgia State university. I've NEVER been arrested or charged with anything in my life until that night. I've had some bumps in the road during college with getting academically dismissed from West Georgia about 5 years ago but I worked so hard to get back into a university and was eyeing a spring 2019 graduation along with applying to and getting accepted into a pharmacy school/program. If I'm convicted I know I will not be able to receive financial aid this upcoming fall/spring semester, the year I was planning on graduating. I was made aware of Georgia having a Conditional Discharge rule that I'll be eligible for being a first time offender with no record under the Judges approval which would aid tremendously in the conviction not showing up on my record after mandated probation, classes, fines and/or all 3 for an allotted time period but it would require me admitting to guilt which would mean I am convicted for however long it lasts. This would still make me ineligible for Financial aid for that school year as well as me not being able to register with Georgia board of pharmacy to obtain a pharmacy tech job which I wanted to get this summer to gain experience under a pharmacist. I don't know what the future holds for me in terms of getting into pharmacy school with my already rocky educational backing which I felt like I would be in great position to explain to aid in me being viewed as resilient and hard working but now there is a possession charge looming on my record that may not even be a year old by the time I start pharmacy school interviews. Even if I take the conditional discharge and get the conviction off my record I don't know if pharmacy boards could still see that in the future and if could jeopardize me becoming certified by the state in the future. I'm just so in the dark and scared over this situation. I haven't even been given a court date yet since it happened about 2 days ago. Ideally my question is, would there be anyway a Judge could throw the case out and just allow me to pay a fine and none of this show up on my record? I'm prepared to tell the judge my story and all of my goals and aspirations in life, not as an attempt to be considered better than anyone else but to find any empathy within the judge with this situation. I wasn't driving under the influence and I was just on my way home from work. I have a job and I'm a full time student and partook in marijuana recreationally but it was never anything that controlled my life. My mom doesn't even know that I was arrested and she was all I could think about while sitting in that holding cell. It was breaking my heart. As far as a lawyer I don't have money for one and I don't know if obtaining one would be in my best interest if I had to pay them and still face the conditional discharge as best case and paying the fines associated with that. I'm just really desperate for information and some type of hope. I know this is a bump in the road but this is easily the scariest situation I've been in my whole life. Please, any info or suggestions would help. Thank you.
Very few posters will read a post that long.

All I can say is if one wishes to protect his or her future, one must simply OBEY all laws at all times.

Weed is illegal, with a few exceptions.

Even in the states where weed is alleged to be legal, using it, transporting it can get you into other kinds of trouble.

That said, stop using weed, abusing any drugs, or imbibing alcoholic beverages to excess.
Very few posters will read a post that long.

All I can say is if one wishes to protect his or her future, one must simply OBEY all laws at all times.

Weed is illegal, with a few exceptions.

Even in the states where weed is alleged to be legal, using it, transporting it can get you into other kinds of trouble.

That said, stop using weed, abusing any drugs, or imbibing alcoholic beverages to excess.

You are right with every word you posted. I apologize for the lengthy post I just wanted to give as much detail as possible. Needless to say this situation has put the fear of god into me and I am completely giving up weed. I've never been a big drinker so obeying the law and alcohol are something that can be easily maintained for me. Thank you.
If it is a first offense there is a good possibility you can have this resolved without a conviction. Obtain legal counsel and ask about programs for first time offenders.
You are right with every word you posted. I apologize for the lengthy post I just wanted to give as much detail as possible. Needless to say this situation has put the fear of god into me and I am completely giving up weed. I've never been a big drinker so obeying the law and alcohol are something that can be easily maintained for me. Thank you.

So, now that you're here, and it is what it is, this is what you do next:

Appear in court as previously instructed (be on time, ARRIVE at least 30 minutes early, be well groomed, and listen to every word the bailiff says BEFORE court begins)

When your name is called, move along smartly and quietly to where the bailiff described

Speak clearly, look at the judge, and offer brief answers

Plead NOT guilty, and ask the judge if you qualify for a public defender
If you do, great, if not, still great

You'll be given another appearance date and time, and instructions how to contact the lawyer, or how the lawyer will contact you

This Georgia licensed attorney discusses cases similar to yours, as far as what they do to defend people ensnared:

Georgia Marijuana/Drug Defense Lawyers - Chestney & Sullivan

You can try to get into a diversionary program.
You get probation, stay clean, stay in school or employed, don't break ANY laws, do community service, take some classes, and wait for time to pass.

Sooner or later, if you behave, the charge could get dismissed, eventually allowing you to have the matter sealed (sort of).

It beats a straight guilty plea, and is worth the effort.

Starting tomorrow, start attending any AAA or NA meeting.
Make sure you go everyday, or at least three times a week.
Your college can offer you names of some good groups.
When the time comes, this will show the judge that you mean business,a nd are ready to say NO the rest of your life.

Good info here:

Georgia Examines a Pre-Arrest Diversion Program - American Legislative Exchange Council

DeKalb launches diversion program as cost saver

Justice for Georgia: A Plan for Fairness and Community Safety | Stacey Abrams for Governor
One last note:

Cigarette smokers emit a very foul odor after puffing their way to an early death.

Weed smokers do, too.

Cigarettes in a pack, as do cigars, chewing tobacky, and snuff emit an unusual odors, too.

Weed, along with other illegal drugs emit unique strong odors, which alert a trained human to know you're carrying the stuff, even if you haven't puffed it.

If you smoke a cigarette in a car, the odor lingers for a couple hours.

The malodorous stench of weed (even in a baggy or a Mason Jar) lingers a longer time in the car, your body, and on your clothing.

Now a trained canine can smell that foul stuff hidden in ways the possessor thinks is safe, it ain't.

Illegal drugs ruin lives in more ways than one imagines, and this arrest probably saved yours if you REFORM today!!!!
One last note:

Cigarette smokers emit a very foul odor after puffing their way to an early death.

Weed smokers do, too.

Cigarettes in a pack, as do cigars, chewing tobacky, and snuff emit an unusual odors, too.

Weed, along with other illegal drugs emit unique strong odors, which alert a trained human to know you're carrying the stuff, even if you haven't puffed it.

If you smoke a cigarette in a car, the odor lingers for a couple hours.

The malodorous stench of weed (even in a baggy or a Mason Jar) lingers a longer time in the car, your body, and on your clothing.

Now a trained canine can smell that foul stuff hidden in ways the possessor thinks is safe, it ain't.

Illegal drugs ruin lives in more ways than one imagines, and this arrest probably saved yours if you REFORM today!!!!

Thank you so much. To you as well @mightymoose this info is so valuable to me right now. This situation has opened my eyes to how the system works and how the best way to avoid the system is to not do anything that could put you in there. I'm praying for a second chance and I know without a doubt that I WILL achieve my goals in life and that this is a lesson if granted another opportunity I will forever be grateful for and learn from. I thank you guys again for your input!

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