Yesterday I was caught stealing petty bull shit from wal mart.... Was probably no more then $30-40 bucks... after we had finished paper work for wal mart or whatever we walked outside with officer to truck he gave me my ticket n said that wal mart been trying to catch me for a while. Can they or are they going to bring up other times I stole???
No way to know if they will.
If they have evidence of you stealing in the past they can certainly bring additional charges.
You need an attorney.
I see the possibility of felony charges if there is evidence you have repeatedly stolen from the store and if they can prove you went there with intent to steal. That depends on the wording of your state's laws though.
You will be lucky if it is only a single charge of petty theft.
I am a Retail Theft Consultant and answer questions like yours daily. Yes its possible and if they do it could mean felony charges! Hopefully you did not admit or give any written statement admitting to prior thefts. answer NO MORE questions on any of these thefts! You need to consult an Attorney and it would be wise to remove store name from this post